zodiac astrology reports

Zodiac Astrology Reports are a low-cost option for astrological chart interpretations, and as such they make excellent gifts. They come as bound presentation copies or can be emailed to you in electronic format as a pdf file. They are computer-generated reports which give a detailed analysis of each individual birth chart (approx 20 pages per report). They obviously cannot give the same level of integrated personalised interpretation as in a personal astrology consultation, but for what they are, they are very good.

These reports are a great introduction to the fascinating world of astrology and show how insights from astrology can assist us in our self-development.

Reports available:


AU$45 each, e-report (pdf format) emailed to you

AU$85 each, bound presentation copy
(includes postage and packaging)


zodiac chart report

A detailed analysis of your birth chart giving insight into your personality, strengths and challenges, focusing on the potential that is always available to you.


zodiac year ahead report

A detailed forecast for your year ahead based on the Solar Return chart for your birthday each year, when the sun returns to the same place in the zodiac as it was at your birth. Note the time period covered by this report is from one birthday to the next.


zodiac vocation report

Using your birth chart, this report focuses on your life purpose and spiritual direction, providing in-depth insight into the soul’s expression through career and life path.


zodiac relationship synastry report

A detailed analysis of a significant love relationship in your life, based on the charts of both individuals, looking at how you complement and challenge each other, and what you each bring out in the other.


zodiac kindred spirits report

An in-depth exploration of your patterns of relating, based on your birth chart. This report examines what your heart and soul need in all kinds of relationships, whether family, friends, or colleagues, as well as lovers and life partners. Please note that this report uses only your own chart for these insights – see zodiac relationship synastry report (above) for a comparison of two charts.


zodiac child report

A detailed analysis of a child’s birth chart, focusing on the child’s early years and the potential that can be supported by the child’s parents or carers.

For young adults, the Zodiac Chart Report is a more suitable report as the interpretation is aimed at adults.


zodiac goddess report

An exploration of the different aspects of the Divine Feminine in your chart through a detailed analysis of the major asteroid goddesses in your chart and the significance of their placements.