Mercury goes retro – April 2023

Mercury goes retrograde



The day after the solar eclipse, on Fri 21 April  Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks.  Make sure you finish up projects and back up all your files at least a week before then!!! Mercury retro brings the potential for confusion, mistakes and delays.

Double-check appointments and flight times, make sure you have your keys with you when you leave the house, and check that messages have actually got through OK.

Be prepared to be patient when things don’t go according to plan!  Take a book with you to the airport and be prepared for delays.

This is not a good time to make any major purchases or sign contracts, unless you’re prepared to revise your plans – or take purchases back to the shop – down the track.  If you can’t get out of signing a contract, make sure you read the fine print very, very carefully

The upside of Mercury retrograde is that it’s a great time to sort out your files and reorganize so you can be more streamlined.

Mercury is retro until 15 May 2023.


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