My Background

I’m a Tantric relationship and sexuality coach and I’m passionate about awakening the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.

I have extensive professional experience in the area of relationships. I’m a qualified Tantric relationship & sexuality coach and educator, having trained with the Awakening Within Foundation under Andrew Barnes. I am really drawn to sexual healing and the expression of love and ecstasy through Tantric and Taoist practices.

I’ve also trained with other internationally acclaimed teachers of sacred sexuality and have been particularly inspired and influenced by David Deida, Margot Anand and Diana Richardson.

I’ve been a professional counsellor for many years, specialising in relationships and family dynamics. I have experience of working with many different aspects of relationship dynamics including substance abuse, co-dependency, domestic violence, depression and other mental health issues – these feel like the other end of the spectrum to Tantra as these issues are so often based in fear and lack of love or respect. What is encouraging though is that I have seen many couples turn their relationships around through simple steps and most importantly, the willingness to change.

I have a major focus on healing, and I bring my healing expertise to client sessions, using a blend of energy healing, shamanic practices and vibrational healing modalities.

I’m also a trained facilitator in Family Constellations, an experiential modality which seeks to dissolve family entanglements so love can flow freely again. These old energetic imprints from childhood can deeply affect our ability to maintain loving relationships in adult life, and transforming them through Family Constellations work can be truly liberating.