
stargazer new moon update

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This monthly newsletter looks at the next New Moon and the main astrological activity over the coming lunar month. Note that the 24-hour period immediately following any New Moon is a very powerful time for manifestation – so put out your intentions!


New Moon in Libra 2014

NEW MOON in LIBRA: Wed 24 Sept 2014, exact at 4.13pm Queensland time (AEST) at 1 degree Libra

LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL MOON in ARIES: Wed 8 Oct 2014, exact at 8.50pm Queensland time (AEST) at 15 degrees Aries

Skywatching: Jupiter rises as a bright star in the east before sunrise. Mars and Saturn are visible in the west after sunset. Times given are for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hours ahead of GMT.


Total Lunar Eclipse visible in Australia

Mercury goes retro again


It’s an intense time now, with the eclipse season starting and Mercury going retro on Sun 5 Oct. Pluto is stationary for the whole of September, adding a real depth charge to issues of power and transformation.


The New Moon falls in Libra on Wed 24 Sept beginning a new cycle in your relationships and your connections with others. It also brings a renewed emphasis on the need for harmony and fairness in all aspects of your life. This lunar month is a good time to focus on restoring balance in your life, giving you the opportunity to consolidate the theme of the Equinox last month (see last month’s newsletter) by implementing whatever changes are necessary to bring your life back into balance.

If your birthday is close to this New Moon, this marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in terms of your identity, your sense of purpose and your relationships.

If you have any planets at 1 degree Libra, this marks the beginning of a new cycle in whatever that planet represents in your chart (eg relationships for Venus).

This New Moon is exact at 4.13pm Queensland time (AEST) so remember to put out your intentions in the following 24 hrs.

There’s harmony between the lovers once Venus goes into diplomatic Libra on Tues 30 Sept, with Mars already in adventurous Sagittarius. Fire and Air are complementary elements, outgoing and expressive, and the lovers get along easily now.

Mercury goes retrograde on Sun 5 Oct for 3 weeks, bringing the potential for confusion, mistakes and delays. Double-check appointments and flight times, that you have your keys with you, and that messages get through OK. This is not a good time to make any major purchases or sign contracts, unless you’re prepared to revise your plans – or take purchases back to the shop – down the track. It is however a great time to catch up on all your paperwork and reorganize so you can be more streamlined. Mercury is retrograde until Sun 26 Oct.

The eclipse season begins again with the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries on Wed 8 Oct. Total lunar eclipses are often associated with increased activity in Earth changes, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, so watch the news carefully at this time. With Uranus strongly configured in this eclipse, Earth changes seem even more likely than usual. If you’re travelling, choose your destinations carefully!

Uranus is very close to the eclipsed Moon, bringing a strong desire to break free, to be true to oneself and to stand up for what one believes. This eclipsed Full Moon in Aries highlights the ability to be assertive and to take action, yet also calls for the need to find a balance between being independent and being able to co-operate with others. Are you being independent in a reactive ‘I-don’t-need-anyone’ kind of way? If so, look below the surface and see what drives this feeling. Expect significant changes in the areas of your life that this lunar eclipse highlights in your birth chart.

The total lunar eclipse will be visible here in Australia – stay tuned for timings on my Facebook page Stargazer Astrology. Mars will be setting as the Full Moon is eclipsed in the east.

The eclipse session continues next month with the New Moon on Fri 24 Oct being a Solar Eclipse.

If you’re not familiar with your chart and you’d like to understand more about yourself and the influence of this eclipse season on you, book an astrology session with Chirone now.

Be mindful of my usual warning around eclipses: Eclipses demand respect, so take care and don’t take any unnecessary risks in this period or in the couple of weeks either side of the eclipses.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon is a partial Solar Eclipse occurring just as the Sun and Venus both move into Scorpio on Fri 24 Oct. The Eclipsed New Moon falls at zero degrees of Scorpio at 7.56am AEST – and so will fall on the previous day Thurs 23 Oct in Europe and the Americas. Take care during this eclipse season!

With love


copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved

New Moon in Virgo 2014

NEW MOON in VIRGO: Tues 26 Aug 2014, exact at 00.12am (midnight) Queensland time (AEST) (Mon 25 Aug in Europe & the Americas) at 2 degrees Virgo

FULL MOON in PISCES: Tues 9 Sept 2014, exact at 11.38am Queensland time (AEST) at 16 degrees Pisces

Skywatching: Jupiter and Venus can be seen close together as Morning Stars, rising in the east before sunrise. Mars and Saturn can be seen close together in the west after sunset.

Times given are for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hours ahead of GMT.


Full Moon in Pisces – Time for healing emotional wounds

Power issues surfacing at the Equinox

The New Moon falls in Virgo just after midnight on Tues 26 Aug – effectively the night of Mon 25 Aug – inviting us to be grounded and to focus on the practical day-to-day tasks of life. This is an excellent time to begin a new cycle in a health regime, or to bring a new sense of order into your life. Virgo loves order and has a tendency towards perfectionism. The challenge for Virgo is paying attention to detail yet without losing sight of the overall vision.

If your birthday is close to this New Moon, this marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in terms of your identity, your sense of purpose and your relationships.

This New Moon is exact at 00.12am (just after midnight Queensland time AEST) so remember to put out your intentions in the following 24 hrs.

The Full Moon falls in Pisces on Tues 9 Sept. This is a dreamy, romantic time which can bring a yearning for oneness and spiritual fulfilment. It also highlights the balance between holding a vision and being able to implement it at a practical level. As this Full Moon falls close to Chiron, deep emotional wounding may come to light, surfacing now so that it can finally be released and healed. The energy of Chiron brings healing, yet often to achieve this, the wound has to be reopened and cauterised before the final healing can take place. If you have significant chart points around 16 degrees Pisces, you are likely to be strongly affected by this Full Moon. The Full Moon is exact at 11.38am AEST.

A heads-up that Mercury will be going retrograde next lunar month. It enters the area often known as the retro ‘shadow’ region on Sun 14 Sept, signifying the whole retrograde region, so if at all possible, sign important contracts and make significant purchases before this date. If you can’t avoid that, then at least complete these kinds of transactions well before Mercury goes retro on Sun 5 Oct.

The Equinox falls around midday on Tues 23 Sept, exact at 12.29pm Queensland time. The theme of the Equinox is always about balance – it’s the time of year when day and night are of equal length (‘equi-nox’ means ‘equal night’) and the seasons come to a point of balance. This Equinox is marked by the Sun moving into the zodiac sign of Libra, the sign associated with harmony, balance and fairness. In the Southern hemisphere this is the Spring Equinox, a time of rejoicing that winter is over and celebrating the birth of new life. The seasons are reversed in the Northern hemisphere where this is the Autumn Equinox, a time of harvest celebration, giving thanks for the abundant crops produced by the summer months. Whether you are celebrating the Spring or Autumn Equinox, this is a perfect time to reflect on your own life, to explore what might be out of balance there and find a way to restore that, whether it’s in your relationships, your family life, your work or any other aspect of your life.

Meanwhile Pluto is stationary for the whole of Sept, turning direct on the exact day of the Equinox and thus adding a powerful depth charge to this delicate point of balance. This is a time when deeply-buried issues may finally rise to the surface, particularly if you’ve become more aware of them bubbling away in the last six months. Plutonian issues usually concern disempowerment, powerlessness and on the other side of the coin, misuses or even abuses of power. This time now is well-suited to deep inner work, shifting these issues so that you can at last move forward. The key to moving through this is to become as aware as possible of our feelings and reactions, becoming conscious of how, on the one hand, we may give away our power, and on the other, how we may manipulate others to get our own way. It can be really subtle, so to paraphrase Socrates, know thyself – and stay in the light!

If you have chart points at 10 to 11 degrees of Capricorn (or any of the other cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra) you will be picking up on this intense transformational energy at a very personal level – in fact it’s been going on for the last year or two. The good news is that it is finally easing for you as Pluto moves forwards and leaves this degree behind. Hopefully you have faced the demons and can now step fully into your power.

This depth-charged Equinox is happening in that dark, seeding time just before the next New Moon which falls in Libra on Wed 24 Sept. A very powerful time indeed.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

A very busy month astrologically next lunar month, with the eclipse season coming up from 24 Sept to 7 Nov, and Mercury going retro on Sun 5 Oct, moving into the retro ‘shadow’ region from 14 Sept (see above). The next New Moon falls on Wed 24 Sept 2014 at 1 degree of Libra, exact at 4.13pm Queensland time (AEST).


With love



copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Leo 2014

NEW MOON in LEO: Sun 27 July 2014, exact at 8.41am Queensland time (AEST) (26 July in Europe & the Americas) at 3 degrees Leo

FULL MOON in AQUARIUS: Mon 11 Aug 2014, exact at 4.09am Queensland time (AEST) (10 Aug in Europe & the Americas) at 18 degrees Aquarius

Skywatching Venus can be seen as the Morning Star, rising in the east before sunrise. Jupiter is visible as a bright star below Venus from around the time of the Full Moon. They come into alignment on 18 Aug and from then on, Jupiter will rise before Venus. Mars and Saturn are overhead in the early evening.

Times given are for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hours ahead of GMT.


Creativity, abundance and new opportunities


This New Moon in Leo on Sun 27 July (Australian time) is a very auspicious New Moon as it falls so close to Jupiter, the planet traditionally known for bringing good fortune. This New Moon is likely to begin a new cycle of creativity and abundance, with opportunities for you to really shine.

The New Moon in Leo brings a renewed sense of fun and enthusiasm for life. This is a perfect time to re-energize and revitalize. Leo is ruled by the Sun and this sign has all the life-giving qualities of the Sun, inspiring others with its warmth, energy and passion. Warm-hearted and generous, Leo is the royalty of the zodiac, confident and regal with a flair for the dramatic, so don’t be surprised to find a Leo centre-stage. Fire signs need to have plenty of fun, and Leos love this to be in grand lavish style. With Jupiter now in their sign, Leos are likely to feel a sense of renewed confidence (not that they ever really need this!) – just watch that you don’t go over the top, as Jupiter typically doesn’t know when to stop!

This New Moon represents the opportunity to begin a new cycle in your enthusiasm for life and your creativity – whatever inspires you and ignites your passion. Wherever this New Moon falls in your chart, this part of your life will receive a boost of new energy and vitality. With the added influence of Jupiter, new horizons also beckon and you’ll feel the urge to go off exploring, particularly in this area of your life.

If your birthday is close to this date, your year ahead is likely to see amazing opportunities come into your life, opportunities that can significantly expand your horizons.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on Mon 11 Aug highlights the need to balance the needs of the individual with those of the collective, and is likely to bring new and experimental ideas into sharp focus. The Full Moon is exact at 4.09am AEST, so the best time to celebrate is the night before.

When Venus moves into Leo on Tues 12 Aug, it’s party time for the next few weeks with the Sun and Jupiter also in Leo. There can however be tension between the lovers as Mars is in Scorpio, and these tensions will intensify towards the end of the lunar month when Venus and Mars move into a challenging position.

The Sun moves into the grounded, practical and meticulous sign of Virgo on Sat 23 Aug.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon falls just after midnight on Tues 26 Aug 2014 (00.12am AEST, so 25 Aug in Europe and the Americas) at 2 degrees Virgo.


With love




copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Cancer 2014

NEW MOON in CANCER: Fri 27 June 2014, exact at 6.08pm Queensland time (AEST) at 5 degrees Cancer

FULL MOON in CAPRICORN: Sat 12 July 2014, exact at 9.24pm Queensland time (AEST) at 20 degrees Capricorn

Skywatching Venus can be seen as the Morning Star, rising in the east before sunrise. Mars and Saturn are overhead in the early evening.

Times given are for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hours ahead of GMT.


Adventure time for Leos !

The New Moon falls in Cancer in the early evening of Fri 27 June 2014 (Qld time), signalling the opportunity for a new cycle to begin in our sense of belonging and our relationship with the feminine.

Cancer is a water sign, sensitive and emotional, with a strong need for emotional security. It is ruled by the Moon, symbolising women, nurturing and the sacred feminine. The New Moon in Cancer represents the beginning of a new cycle in relation to the way we care for others, the way we nurture ourselves, and our relationship with women in general, reflecting our own inner relationship with the feminine.

Cancer is the sign associated with home and family, so this New Moon can also bring a new sense of belonging, perhaps a new phase in our home and family life, or our sense of belonging to a ‘tribe’.

Through its Moon rulership, Cancer is associated with food and digestion. The passage of Jupiter through Cancer over the last 12 months has seen the ethical and moral issues associated with food and the means of food production (eg GMOs and terminator seeds) really come to prominence.

The Moon also connects us to our past, so the New Moon in this sign can begin a new cycle in our relationship with our past, a good opportunity to emotionally release whatever no longer serves us. Bottlebrush is an excellent Bush Flower Essence remedy to facilitate this process of letting go.

If your birthday falls close to the date of this New Moon, this marks an important year of new beginnings in your life, particularly with regard to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in life. The New Moon is exact at 6.08pm (Qld time) so remember to set your intentions in the following 24 hrs.

After a very trying three weeks, Mercury goes direct on Tues 1 July. Give it a few days to pick up speed, then plans will be easier to implement and things will move along much more smoothly. The next Mercury retro phase starts Sun 5 Oct, so make a note in your diary! In fact from Mon 21 July onwards, things will move along really well. By then, both Mars and Mercury will be completely out of the influence of their recent retro phases.

The Full Moon falls in Capricorn on Sat 12 July. This Full Moon brings the difference between public and private life into sharp focus and invites us to find a balance between the two opposing polarities of work and home. If there is something you have been working towards for a while, this Full Moon is likely to bring things to fruition with a great sense of achievement. The Full Moon is exact at 9.24pm AEST.

Jupiter the bringer of good fortune and abundance moves into Leo on Wed 16 July. Leos are likely to feel a sense of renewed confidence (not that they ever really need this!), and an urge to go off exploring, having fun and adventures! All Fire signs need to have plenty of fun, and Leos love this to be in grand lavish style, with a touch of the dramatic thrown in for good measure.

Jupiter is associated with ethics and social issues, so we can expect ethical and moral issues to be under the spotlight in areas traditionally associated with Leo, such as royalty. It’s noteworthy here that King Juan Carlos of Spain has just abdicated in favour of his son, now King Felipe VI, and the question arose in the Spanish courts as to whether he would retain immunity from prosecution once he was no longer king (he did). Meanwhile the new king’s sister Princess Cristina is facing an unprecedented criminal trial on charges of corruption.

Meanwhile Jupiter in Leo also has connections with the Middle East and the battle for control of the oil supply there. Political astrologer Ed Tamplin points out that Jupiter was at the same degree of Leo for the bombing of Baghdad in 2003 and the earlier invasion of Iraq in 1991, as well as on previous significant dates in the 20th century history of the Middle East. All of this suggests that things are likely to hot up in the Middle East over the next twelve months, particularly around the end of August/beginning of Sept this year.

The lovers Venus and Mars are very much in harmony towards the end of this lunar month as they both move into Water signs, with Venus going into nurturing Cancer on Sat 19 July and Mars into passionate Scorpio a week later on Sat 26 July. Water signs communicate though feelings, intuitively without the need for words, so expect relationships to take a silent depth charge into their swirling emotional currents for a couple of weeks until Venus leaves Cancer for Leo on Tues 12 Aug.

Saturn grinds to a halt on Mon 21 July (20 July in Europe and the Americas) following its retrograde period, ready to go direct again at 16 degrees Scorpio. If your birthday is close to 9 Nov or this degree is significant in your chart, you will have been feeling the heavy energy of Saturn sitting on this point for the previous 3 weeks, with a further three weeks to look forward to (!). The energy of Saturn asks us to re-evaluate the area of life it is currently contacting, to take full responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and to cut away any dead wood – which ultimately stimulates new growth. It is also very good at demanding that we do a reality check. The forward motion of Saturn enables us to test and put into practice over the next seven months whatever we have learned about social responsibility, self-discipline and material reality during its retrograde phase.

Uranus goes retrograde on Tues 22 July at 16 Aries. This gives the opportunity to review your life from a perspective of increased awareness, especially any innovation you may have introduced in the last 7 months. The house that Uranus is currently transiting (taking about 7 years on average to travel through a house) will be the area of your life currently under this kind of review. If your birthday is close to 6 April, you could be experiencing the negative side of Uranus which is destabilization and chaos – transform this by recognising this as an opportunity to bring more awareness into your life and be more authentically yourself, a classic time for re-inventing yourself and meeting the challenge of Pluto to step into your power. Uranus is retrograde for 5 months until Mon 22 Dec 2014.

The Sun moves into the royal sign of Leo on Wed 23 July.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon falls on Sun 27 July 2014 at 8.41am AEST at 3 degrees Leo (Sat 26 July in Europe and the Americas). This is a very auspicious New Moon as it falls so close to Jupiter, the planet known for bringing good fortune. More on that in next month’s newsletter …


Happy adventures … 🙂


With love



copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Gemini 2014

NEW MOON in GEMINI: Thurs 29 May 2014, exact at 4.40am Queensland time (AEST) at 7 degrees Gemini

FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS: Fri 13 June 2014, exact at 2.11pm Queensland time (AEST) at 22 degrees Sagittarius

Skywatching: Venus can be seen as the Morning Star, rising in the east before sunrise. If you have a clear view of the western horizon around the time of the New Moon, Mercury is visible low in the sky just after sunset. Jupiter can be seen as a very bright star in the west in the early evening, while Mars is overhead and Saturn is visible towards the east.

Times given are for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hours ahead of GMT.




Solstice, Mercury retro & Friday 13th


The New Moon falls in Gemini in the early morning of Thurs 29 May (Qld time), signalling the opportunity to begin a new cycle in the way we communicate, network and exchange ideas. Gemini is an Air sign, ruled by the planet Mercury, giving this sign a combination of sociability and extreme curiosity – the answer to one question simply creates more questions! As an Air sign, Gemini is naturally objective and rational, and so has a real talent for dealing with information. Other associations with Gemini are education and the media – the natural curiosity of this sign often makes learning effortless. A New Moon in the sign of Gemini can usher in a new cycle in any of these areas. The New Moon is exact at 4.40am (Qld time) so remember to put out your intentions in the following 24 hrs.

If your birthday falls close to the date of this New Moon, this marks an important year of new beginnings in your life, particularly with regard to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in life.

For everyone else, you are likely to begin a new cycle in the area of your life indicated by the house in your birth chart that this New Moon falls in (eg in the area of relationships if it falls in your 7th house).

On 29 May, both Venus and Mercury move into Venus’ own sign of Taurus, bringing charm and diplomacy to communications. Venus in Taurus relates with a grounded sensuous approach and a love of luxury, and with Mars the warrior still in Venus’ other sign, Libra, there is certainly a major focus on harmony and peace-keeping in all kinds of relationships right now.

Mercury goes retrograde on Sat 7 June for 3 weeks, bringing the potential for confusion, mistakes and delays. This is not a good time to make any major purchases or sign contracts, unless you’re prepared to revise your plans (or take purchases back to the shop) down the track. It is however a great time to catch up on all your paperwork, and reorganize so you can be more streamlined. Mercury is retrograde until Tues 1 July.

Neptune slows to a standstill ready to turn retrograde on Tues 10 June at 7 degrees Pisces (Mon 9 June in Europe and the Americas), softening boundaries and looking for solutions that are all-inclusive, reminding us that we all belong to one humanity. For the next five months, we have the opportunity to revisit the dreams and visions of the past seven months, and to integrate the inspirational and visionary energy of Neptune more fully into our lives. At the other end of the Neptunian spectrum, we also have the opportunity to review the ways in which illusion, self-deception and escapism may play roles in our lives, and to turn this around so we can connect more fully with the spiritual longing of Neptune. Neptune is retrograde until Sun 16 Nov.

Be vigilant and stay grounded for the week around 12 June, as the challenging contact between Jupiter and Neptune can give rise to deception and susceptibility to scams. Interesting, this is the same week that Mars will revisit Pluto (see below), so be alert to misinformation campaigns urging war or other forms of destructive attack.

Although Mars has now turned direct, he is still moving slowly and will once again form the challenging contacts to Pluto and Uranus that were part of the Grand Cross in April, bringing renewed potential for turmoil and accidents – yet also the possibility of resolution of earlier incidents. The influence of these contacts will be felt from about 10 June onwards for the rest of the month, with the energy peaking on 14 June and 25 June as Mars makes exact contact to Pluto and Uranus respectively.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on Fri 13 June sheds light on our need to find a deeper meaning in life, not getting lost in mind-numbing trivia. This Full Moon urges us to find a balance between our need to enthusiastically explore and our need to approach an issue rationally, collecting information first rather than acting impetuously. There may be challenges around issues of trust. The Full Moon is exact at 2.11pm AEST.

Friday 13th is a day doubly dedicated to the goddess, or rather two aspects of the goddess. Friday is ‘Freya’s day’, Freya being the Norse version of Venus – in Romance languages Friday is Venus’ day eg Vendredi in French, Venerdi in Italian. The number 13 is a lunar number, as there are 13 lunar months in a year, whereas 12 is a solar number as we have 12 solar months in a year. This really begs the whole question of Friday 13th being considered ‘unlucky’, perhaps some historical patriarchal political spin happening here … and yes, I’m aware that there are many explanations for the ‘unlucky’ connotation of Friday 13th, including the arrest and persecution of the Knights Templar in 1307. My father always said that Friday 13th was a lucky day for him, and thank the goddess, I have to agree J

The Winter Solstice (in the southern hemisphere) falls on Sat 21 June, as the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer at 8.51pm AEST. This is the shortest day of the year (and longest night) in the southern hemisphere, as the Sun reaches its northernmost point – from here on, the days will lengthen again as we move towards spring. If you’re in the northern hemisphere, reverse all that – it’s the Summer Solstice, the longest day and the shortest night, after which the days will shorten as you move towards autumn. In the Celtic calendar, these were significant festivals – Midwinter and Midsummer respectively, celebrated with bonfires (Midwinter), feasting, dancing and celebration. It was said to be a time when magic was in the air, as shown in Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

Venus moves into the chatty and curious sign of Gemini on Mon 23 June, so expect relationships and friendships to take on a lighter note, with more emphasis on socializing and networking. Venus in Gemini has the reputation of being a social butterfly, flitting from one encounter to the next J


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon falls on Fri 27 June 2014 at 6.08pm AEST at 5 degrees Cancer.


Happy Solstice!


With love



copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus 2014

SOLAR ECLIPSE NEW MOON in TAURUS: Tues 29 April 2014, exact at 4.14pm Queensland time (AEST) at 8 degrees Taurus

FULL MOON in SCORPIO: Thurs 15 May 2014, exact at 5.15am Queensland time (AEST – so the previous day in Europe and the Americas) at 23 degrees Scorpio

Skywatching: Venus rises in the east before dawn as the Morning Star. In the evening, Jupiter can be seen as a very bright star in the west, while Saturn rises in the east just after sunset. Mars can be seen as a red star high overhead at night.

Times given are for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hours ahead of GMT.


Solar Eclipse visible in Australia

& Mars goes direct


After the huge energies in April with the total lunar eclipse and the Grand Cross formation, the eclipse season continues with the New Moon in Taurus on Tues 29 April being a strong solar eclipse visible in Australia.

Technically this eclipse is an annular solar eclipse, known as a “Ring of Fire’, where the Moon doesn’t completely block out the Sun because she is further away from the Earth than usual, so a halo of light or ‘Ring of Fire’ appears around the dark disc of the Moon’s shadow, hence the term ‘annular’, meaning a ring.

However this coming eclipse is a rare kind where the ‘Ring of Fire’ will only be visible for less than a minute over Antarctica. After that it’ll be seen as a partial eclipse across Australia. In SE Queenland the eclipse will start at 4.31pm, and will be at its maximum at 5.17pm. The eclipse will still be in progress as the sun sets (a reverse of the recent lunar eclipse which started before the Moon rose over the ocean in eastern Australia). If you’re in NT or WA you’ll see the entire eclipse before sunset.

The timing of the New Moon (exact alignment of Sun and Moon) and that of the eclipse can vary – you’ll notice here the New Moon is exact at 4.14pm AEST but we won’t see the start of the eclipse till 4.31pm.

Astrologically, a Solar Eclipse represents an intensified new beginning, and falling in Taurus, it signals an opportunity to begin a new cycle in our relationship with the physical world. It invites us to connect deeply with the land, to appreciate the abundance of Nature, to acknowledge the sacred beauty of the Earth and to embody this by stepping into our protective role as her guardians. It is worth noting that at this time globally, governments are starting to wake up to the dangers of pesticides, herbicides and GMOs, with Holland recently banning the use of glyphosate herbicides (such as Round-up) because of health fears, and Vermont passing a world-first bill requiring all GMO foods to be labelled. This eclipsed New Moon in Taurus is a huge energetic invitation to step up and protect Mother Earth.

Taurus is also associated with security in its many forms – emotional, material and financial – and this need for security (or more accurately, the fear of lack of security) can give rise to the sign’s tendency towards possessiveness and material accumulation. Use the heightened energies of this lunar month to explore your own security needs and your own relationship with abundance.

If your birthday is close to this date, this eclipsed New Moon marks the beginning of a very significant new cycle in your life in relation to your identity, sense of self and your purpose in the world.

Eclipses demand respect so be extra careful in the couple of weeks leading up to it – don’t take any unnecessary risks!

The pressure’s eased a bit, but the Grand Cross formation is still very much in effect – tensions are heightened, and the potential for conflict and outbreak of hostilities is all too evident worldwide, as between Russia and Ukraine. If you’re picking up on this configuration in your own chart, your personal life will be the theatre of tensions and possible conflict. The resolution of these energies is by bringing a higher level of awareness to issues of trust and power, and by staying conscious in all our actions.

Venus moves into Aries on Sat 3 May where she relates with a boldness and directness that is uncharacteristic of this peace-loving planet. She catches up with freedom-loving Uranus and plugs into the whole Grand Cross formation just at the time of the Full Moon.

The energies are very strong for this Full Moon in Scorpio on Thurs 15 May. This is likely to be a very emotional time when deep and passionate feelings are revealed. There is a strong possibility of secret or intensely private matters coming to light, possibly with a sexual content or concerning financial matters. The Moon falls close to Saturn, suggesting control or repression of the powerful emotional currents that are associated with a Scorpio Full Moon – or more positively, this would involve taking full responsibility for one’s feelings and reactions.

At this Full Moon, chances are that Venus – that part of us that desires to connect with others, in both men and women – feels under attack, and at an extreme end of the spectrum may even feel controlled and manipulated by a domineering partner. The inherent tension gives rise to the urge to break free, now more so than ever. If you resonate with this pattern, the challenge is to find your voice and put some boundaries in place – for example, saying ‘No’, and ‘Enough’! This will no doubt involve connecting with your anger – and with Mars in sweet-natured Libra, this will not come easily. However if you can do all this, I guarantee your relationship will be transformed – you will have reclaimed your power and in the process, shifted the power base of the relationship.

In essence this is the personal version of what is going on at the collective level in international politics right now . The astrology is exactly the same, a symbolic language that can be applied at the macro (collective) or micro (personal) level. If you have planets at 9 to 17 of the cardinal signs, you will be picking up on these energies, and if your planets are at 13-14 of the cardinal signs, you’ll not only feel this Full Moon very strongly but you’ll have been experiencing these tensions all through the Grand Cross formation over the last few weeks.

Venus opposing Mars at this Full Moon can result in fireworks in relationships, but it’s also the kind of fireworks that can ignite passion. Remember that astrology shows us the intimate link between anger and sexuality, as both are symbolized by Mars. The Full Moon is exact on Thurs 15 May at 5.15am AEST, so the best time to celebrate the Full Moon is the previous night, Wed 14 May.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief as Mars comes to the end of his retrograde period on Tues 20 May, stationary at 9 degrees Libra as he prepares to move forwards again – meaning that all the frustrations and feelings of getting nowhere of the past three months will now start easing. You can now make progress on stalled projects and other aspects of your life, incorporating the changes and revisions from the enforced review period of the retrograde phase.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon falls on Thurs 29 May 2014 at 4.40am AEST at 18 Gemini (on 28 May in Europe and the Americas). And advance notice that Mercury goes retrograde on Sat 7 June, so make sure that any important paperwork is completed well before then!


With love



copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Aries 2014

NEW MOON in ARIES: Mon 31 March 2014, exact at 4.44am Queensland time (AEST) at 9 degrees Aries

TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE / FULL MOON in LIBRA: Tues 15 April 2014, exact at 5.42pm Queensland time (AEST) at 25 degrees Libra

Skywatching: Venus is visible as the Morning Star, rising in the east before sunrise. Jupiter can be seen as a very bright star overhead in the early evening. Mars and Saturn rise later in the evening and are visible during the night.


Tensions running high – time for revolutionary change

Eclipse season and the Cardinal Grand Cross


As you’ve probably already noticed, tensions are running high, both internationally and in many people’s private lives. We are in the final stages of the lead-up to astrological events this month that are likely to bring about tumultuous and long-lasting change – in some ways the climax or culmination of many of the revolutionary energies that have been occurring in the last few years since Uranus went into Aries in 2011 and the Pluto-Uranus dance that has been ongoing since then.

This month we have two eclipses, and if that wasn’t enough in terms of intensity and unexpected changes, we also have a Grand Cross formation shaking everything up right in the middle of that two-week period. The whole month promises to be a huge time, so stay conscious, stay grounded, exercise patience and remember to breathe!

My usual warnings about eclipses apply: Eclipses demand respect so be extra careful in the couple of weeks leading up to each one – don’t take any unnecessary risks!


The New Moon in Aries on Mon 31 March is electrifying!!! It falls close to Uranus and promises a revolutionary new start, a call to wake up and be truly yourself. Energy can now be channelled into direct action, breaking new ground in a pioneering or even crusading way.

This New Moon joins the challenging T-square formation between Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter that is shaping up to be the Grand Cross later this month when joined by Mars on Wed 23 April (see below). In terms of the New Moon, this can indicate challenges around trust and needing to reclaim one’s power. It’s also an invitation to wake up to manipulative distortions of truth.

If your birthday falls close to this New Moon, this marks a radical new departure for you in your life, giving you the courage to be truly authentic.

As Australian astrologer Ed Tamplin has pointed out, it was a New Moon in Aries (at almost exactly the same degree as it is now), also conjunct Uranus, that signalled the irreversible collapse of the financial system in late March 1930 – the similarities between the astrology of then and now are remarkable, as is the sense of being on an economic rollercoaster. This doesn’t necessarily mean that history will repeat itself, but it may well indicate that this New Moon and the Grand Cross that follows could form a turning point as the realisation dawns that a new economic model is needed.

The New Moon is exact at 4.44am Queensland time (AEST) – put out your New Moon resolutions in the following 24 hrs.

The eclipse season begins with the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 25 Libra on Tues 15 April issuing a challenge to relationships. The Libran Full Moon highlights our need to relate to others, yet also emphasizes the need to find a balance between the needs of the self and the needs of the other, between the need for independence and the need for compromise. With the Sun and Uranus both in Aries, the scales here are tipped strongly towards the needs of the self. The focus of this eclipsed Full Moon is the ability to be authentic and true to oneself as a matter of paramount importance in any relationship. The Lunar Eclipse is exact at 5.42pm Queensland time, so won’t actually be visible here although you’ll feel it strongly.

Earth changes such as earthquakes and volcanic activity often occur around Total Lunar Eclipses, so don’t be surprised if there is increased activity at this time.

Pluto slows to a halt the same day Tues 15 April, ready to begin his retrograde journey. If anything in your life has been going through symbolic death throes in the last six months, this is a time when you are likely to revisit the whole process, perhaps at an even deeper level as you search for the hidden truths and the soul essence of who you are, the alchemist’s gold that can eventually emerge from the blackness. Pluto is retrograde till 23 Sept 2014.

Pluto is stationary at 13 degrees of Capricorn, the highly sensitive degree of the Grand Cross, so anyone whose birthday falls around 4 Jan is likely to be experiencing a very intense time while personal transformation goes on at a deep core level – the eventual outcome is empowerment, the ability to stand comfortably in your own power, but it’s a long drawn-out process which won’t be complete until the end of 2015. This will also be true for anyone with personal planets at this degree, or at 13 degrees of the other cardinal signs: Aries, Libra and Cancer, all of which are being triggered this month by the Grand Cross.

The Cardinal Grand Cross is exact on Wed 23 April, with all the planets coming into tight focus from around 20 April. This is a time of extreme tension, and anyone with planets at 13 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will be feeling this strongly in their personal lives.

Flashpoints to watch for at this time are the global financial system, the situation in Ukraine with Russia and whether or not the US decides to make a stand. Both the chart of the USA and Vladimir Putin’s chart are triggered by the Grand Cross (US chart has Sun at 13 Cancer, Putin has Sun at 13 Libra).

One of the very real dangers with the Grand Cross is that of a nuclear conflagration of some kind – whether accidental as in Fukushima on 11 March 2011 or intentional as in Hiroshima on 6 Aug 1945. Uranus-Pluto is a signature associated with nuclear explosions, and has been a potential energetic each time the Uranus-Pluto contact has been exact.

This is the 5th of 7 exact contacts between Uranus and Pluto between 2012 and 2015, and potentially the most explosive because of the additional presence of Jupiter and Mars in the Grand Cross – Jupiter enlarges the whole energetic and retrograde Mars can effectively light the fuse.

With Jupiter and Mars part of the picture, there’s also the potential for people to realise the extent to which truth has been manipulated and distorted by governments and the media. In Australia, PM Tony Abbott has increasingly silenced the media, with no reporting now on asylum seekers attempting to arrive by boat or being turned back and held in offshore detention centres.

This astrological signature can also be interpreted as distortions of the legal system. Again, using Australia as an example, the recent announcement that sections of the Racial Discrimination Act will be repealed because, according to the Attorney-General, people have “a right to be bigots” just staggers belief.

The astrology of the Grand Cross suggests it is time to reclaim certain freedoms – the recent TED interview of Edward Snowden is a great example where, in addition to discussing NSA surveillance, misinformation and cover-ups, he talks about taking back the freedom of the Internet’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVwAodrjZMY)

In more general terms, the energy of the Grand Cross brings to a head many of the upheavals and paradigm shifts that have been going on in the last few years. Any abuses of power, especially in hierarchical systems such as the Church, the banking system and governments, are likely to see the light of day under the extremely intense astrological influences affecting us all this month. The good news is that all this has the potential to bring in a completely new way of being.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon is a Solar Eclipse in Taurus, falling on Tues 29 April 2014 at 4.14pm AEST at 8 Taurus.

Remember: Eclipses demand respect so be extra careful in the couple of weeks leading up to each one – don’t take any unnecessary risks!


With love




copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Pisces 2014

NEW MOON in PISCES: Sat 1 March 2014, exact at 5.59pm Queensland time (AEST) at 10 degrees Pisces

FULL MOON in VIRGO: Mon 17 March 2014, exact at 3.08am Queensland time (AEST) at 26 degrees Virgo (effectively the night of Sun 16 March)

Skywatching: Venus is visible as the Morning Star, rising in the east before sunrise. Jupiter can be seen as a very bright star overhead in the early evening. Mars and Saturn rise later in the evening and are visible during the night.

Patience needed as Mars turns retro …

and the energy starts to build for the Grand Cross

The New Moon in Pisces falls on Sat 1 March signifying a renewed focus on spirituality and our sense of the divine. Pisces is a water sign, emotionally attuned, sensitive and connected at a feeling level. It is a sign which is imaginative and creative, with a sense of divine homesickness, a longing to return to source. This New Moon offers the opportunity to begin a new cycle in any of these areas.

The New Moon in Pisces can also represent a new cycle characterized by the desire to help others, but be watchful as there is a fine line between helping others and rescuing them, overstepping boundaries which essentially need to be respected and strengthened. Pisces has a tendency towards self-sacrifice in the service of others, even to the point of martyrdom, so make sure you look after yourself first, otherwise you’ll be in no position to take care of others

With Chiron and Neptune close to this New Moon, this can also be the beginning of a new cycle in healing, especially the healing of any addictions.

If your birthday falls close to this date (within a day either side), this is the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in terms of your sense of identity and purpose in the world.

Mars turns retrograde on Sun 2 March (1 March in Europe in the Americas) and will be retrograde for about two and a half months. Mars only goes retro once every couple of years, so this is not an energy we are easily attuned to. The Mars retrograde period can be a time of considerable frustration when projects and actions need to be reviewed and revised. Certain aspects of your life may seem to be ‘on hold’ during this period (check where this Mars falls in your chart), and you’re likely to feel that you’re getting nowhere fast (or even slowly), giving rise to anger and frustration at the apparent lack of progress. This time can however be used wisely to review and improve on your plans – things won’t be moving ahead until the third week of May at the earliest, so there’s no point trying to force things to happen. Trust that there is a reason and purpose for the delay, which you can then turn to your advantage.

Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra, so if this point is significant in your chart, and especially if you were born around 21 October, take extra care around the beginning of March when Mars is stationary. Be careful to channel any anger positively and don’t take risks driving. For most Librans, the whole retrograde period is likely to be a challenging time where patience will definitely be a virtue. For everyone, check which house has Libra on the cusp – the affairs of this house are likely to be on a go-slow for the next few months. Mars is retrograde until Tues 20 May.

Saturn turns retrograde the following day Mon 3 March (2 March in Europe and the Americas) at 23 degrees Scorpio. Unlike Mars, Saturn goes retro every year so we are more accustomed to this energy. Saturn retrograde encourages us to review the recent past and assess our ability to take full responsibility for our actions. It also urges us to re-examine the way we have structured our lives. This is a good time to look at the ways we limit ourselves, and bring our fears to the conscious light of day. This is also a good time to review our ability to say ’No’ and ensure that we can maintain healthy boundaries in all areas of our lives. The Saturn retrograde period lasts until Mon 21 July.

If your birthday falls around 16 November, then for a month either side of 3 March, this is likely to be a time of increased responsibility for you, as you enter a new phase of maturity and step into a place of personal authority. Your workload may increase at this time – if you accept this extra responsibility, this can be a time of success and achievement. Saturn is a planet where we truly reap what we sow – if you’ve put in the hard work, this is very likely to be a time of achievement. However, if you’ve cut corners along the way, this is a time when where you can come unstuck and this can lead to feelings of failure and depression.

Venus moves into Aquarius on Thurs 6 March. With Mars in Libra, both the lovers are in Air signs, cool and detached, relating more from the head than the heart, enjoying easy conversation. Venus in Aquarius loves the freedom to be totally true to themselves – however zany that may appear, and is attracted to that same energy in a partner, while Mars in Libra is a born diplomat, acting in the interests of peace and harmony, in the most charming way.

Jupiter goes direct on Thurs 6 March at 10 degrees Cancer. This often signals a time of renewed hope and optimism as ongoing reviews of injustice and other legal matters are likely to be brought to resolution now. At a personal level, if you have been questioning your beliefs or dealing with issues of faith or trust over the last four months, Jupiter’s direct motion is now likely to bring resolution and more clarity.

Jupiter’s ongoing contact with Uranus invites more insight and awareness into issues of trust and abundance. However it can also bring upheaval, shaking the foundations of people’s belief systems. This is an energy that will be continuing through to the Grand Cross in the third week of April, as Jupiter and Uranus follow each other through the zodiac, from 10 to 13 degrees of cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). Check your own chart to see what may be getting triggered for you personally.

The Full Moon falls in Virgo in the early morning of Mon 17 March – so the night to celebrate the Full Moon will be the previous evening Sun 16 March. The Full Moon in Virgo brings into focus our need for order and purity. Virgo is a very analytical sign, and as an Earth sign it is analytical in a practical way, trying to improve situations (and even people!) in its search for perfection. The Full Moon seeks a balance between the microcosmic attention to detail of Virgo and the macrocosmic holistic vision of Pisces. Check your birth chart to see which house is under the spotlight at 26 degrees Virgo. The Full Moon will be exact at 3.08am (AEST).

The Equinox falls on Fri 21 March AEST (20 March in Europe and the Americas), as the Sun moves out of dreamy Pisces and into action-oriented Aries at 2.57am AEST. This is the time of year when day and night are of equal length and the seasons come to a point of balance. This is a perfect time to explore what might be out of balance in your own life and find a way to restore that balance, whether it’s in your relationships, your family life, your work or any other aspect of your life.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon is in Aries, falling on Mon 31 March 2014 at 4.44am AEST (30 March in Europe and the Americas) at 9 Aries.


Happy Equinox!


With love


copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Aquarius 2014

NEW MOON in AQUARIUS: Fri 31 Jan 2014, exact at 7.38am Queensland time (AEST) at 10 degrees Aquarius

FULL MOON in LEO: Sat 15 Feb 2014, exact at 9.52am Queensland time (AEST) at 26 degrees Leo

Skywatching: Venus is now visible as the Morning Star, rising in the east before sunrise. In the early evening, Jupiter rises as a very bright star in the east. Mars and Saturn rise later in the evening and are visible during the night.


Full Moon on Valentine’s Day

Chinese New Year and Mercury retro

The New Moon in Aquarius on Fri 31 Jan brings in the Chinese New Year. Like many traditional cultures, the Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar, and this New Moon marks the beginning of the Year of the Horse.

A New Moon always represents the beginning of a new cycle in some aspect of our lives, and this New Moon in Aquarius signifies a renewed focus on social responsibility and individual authenticity – being true to oneself. Aquarius is an air sign, loving to debate ideas, the more original and inventive the better. It is a sign which loves freedom and equality, at both the personal and the collective level. Aquarius is a very sociable sign and is strongly focused on global humanitarian concerns.

Wherever you have Aquarius in your chart is the area of life that will be most strongly affected by this New Moon – for example, if this New Moon falls in your 10th house, this signifies the beginning of a new cycle in your career or professional life.

If your birthday falls close to this date (within a day either side), this is the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in terms of your sense of identity and purpose in the world.

If you have any planets or chart points at ten degrees Aquarius, this will be the beginning of a new cycle with regard to whatever quality is associated with that planet – for example, relationships if you have Venus at this degree.

Venus goes direct the following day Sat 1 Feb very close to Pluto, bringing an intensity to relationships at this time, perhaps even a certain obsessive quality. Jupiter tightly opposes both these planets, so issues of trust and jealousy may well arise around the time of this New Moon. Issues around trust are difficult to resolve in relationships, and often the only step forward to a new sense of trust between you is radical forgiveness. If your relationships (or even your finances, as the symbolism of astrology is multi-layered) seem to have lost momentum – maybe even come to a standstill – things should improve soon as Venus moves forward again and picks up speed.

Mercury goes retrograde on Fri 7 Feb for 3 weeks, bringing the potential for confusion, mistakes and delays. Double-check that any messages you leave actually get through OK, and that you haven’t double-booked any appointments. Back up your computer before Mercury goes retrograde as this period can bring computer hassles. This is not a good time to make any major purchases or sign contracts, unless you’re prepared to revise your plans (or take purchases back to the shop) down the track. It is however a great time to catch up on all your paperwork, and reorganize so you can be more streamlined. Mercury is retrograde until Sat 1 March.

The Full Moon in Leo on Sat 15 Feb brings a sense of fun and enthusiasm for life – a great time for a party! The Full Moon in Leo also highlights the need to balance self-interest with concern for the community. It’s exact at 9.52am, so the previous night – Valentine’s Day – is the best time to celebrate. This is likely to be a very romantic Valentine’s Day evening under the Full Moon!

A significant shift in our collective spiritual alignment comes when the North Node moves from Scorpio into Libra on Wed 19 Feb (AEST). For the next eighteen months, we are being asked to develop the positive qualities associated with Libra: fairness, justice, working together in the spirit of co-operation, reconciliation, peace and harmony. This shift occurs just as the Sun moves into the spiritual sign of Pisces, emphasizing the need to take a broad, wide-ranging view of any situation where there is conflict and mediation is required. Qualities that we consciously need to move away from, as they will sabotage our efforts, include competitiveness, “me first” attitudes, aggression, fighting, violence – war as the answer to anything – and also what I’d call reactive independence, the kind of independence that refuses help even when it is evident that going it alone is not an option.

There is a foretaste of the disruptions likely to come this April when Jupiter makes a challenging contact to Uranus on Wed 26 Feb, triggering 10 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn). If the energies are used positively and integrated, the invitation is to awaken to a sense of trusting the Universe, and to a sense of abundance.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon is in Pisces, falling on Sat 1 March 2014, at 10 degrees Pisces, exact at 5.59pm Queensland time (AEST).


Happy Chinese New Year!


With love


copyright © 2014 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Capricorn 2014

NEW MOON in CAPRICORN: Wed 1 Jan 2014, exact at 9.14pm Queensland time (AEST) at 10 degrees Capricorn

FULL MOON in CANCER: Thurs 16 Jan 2014, exact at 2.52pm Queensland time (AEST) at 25 degrees Cancer

Skywatching: Saturn is visible as a bright star in the early morning sky in the east before sunrise. Jupiter rises as a very bright star in the east just after sunset.


New Moon in Capricorn begins the New Year

The New Moon in Capricorn ushers in the New Year for us, in a very dramatic way! Pluto is very closely aligned with this New Moon, so the beginning of this year is likely to be associated with powerful endings and dramatic rebirth, a time to embrace a sense of empowerment. There could be conflict involved, as Mars is very much a part of this picture too, yet there is potential for transformative action if this combination is used positively.

Unlike most years, New Year’s Day this year is an excellent time astrologically to make your New Year’s resolutions. The energy of the New Moon gives an added boost to the intentions you set as you begin the cycle of this New Year, and with Pluto part of the picture your manifestations could be very powerful indeed. The New Moon is exact at 9.14pm Queensland time – use the following 24-hour period to put out your intentions.

A New Moon always represents the beginning of a new cycle in some aspect of our lives. A Capricorn New Moon is an invitation for renewed focus on self-discipline, responsibility, dealing with material reality, setting goals, improving time management and introducing more structure into our lives – all in the service of moving forwards on our chosen path. Remember the image of Capricorn the goat, moving slowly but steadily up the mountain, one step at a time.

Wherever you have Capricorn in your chart is the area of life that will be most strongly affected by this New Moon – for example, if it is on your 6th house cusp, this is an opportunity to bring more self-discipline into your daily routine and health regime; if it falls on the 2nd, this applies to your finances. If you are not sure where Capricorn falls in your birth chart, think of the area of your life that could most benefit from some self-discipline right now – you will probably tune into it intuitively!

If your birthday falls close to this date, or if 10 degrees Capricorn is strong in your chart, this is the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in terms of your sense of identity and purpose in the world. If any of your planets fall at this degree, this indicates the part of your life affected – eg if you have Venus close to this degree, then this signifies the beginning of a new cycle in your relationships.

The Australian chart has its Sun at 10 degrees Capricorn (Federation was on 1 Jan 1901), so we can expect some powerful new initiatives to come in at the beginning of this year. Whether or not they are transformational in a positive way is another story – they may well echo the current global trend of being confrontational, awakening people to question (and even rebel against) the existing power-structures. This is all part of the collective astrological energy at present, revisiting the revolutionary fervour of the late 1960s, exposing any abuses of power within the system and calling for radical new departures.

Tensions are likely to arise in relationships as the lovers Venus and Mars are in signs where they could easily clash, especially over who’s in charge. Venus is in serious, committed Capricorn all month as she moves retrograde through the sign, turning direct just after the next New Moon. Capricorn does like to be in control. Mars in diplomatic Libra will probably ease any tension between them, but it’s still possible that sparks could fly, especially around 16-17 Jan when their challenging contact is exact. Effort will be needed to keep the peace.

The Full Moon falls in Cancer on Thurs 16 Jan. This is likely to be a nurturing time, focused on home and family. The Cancer Full Moon invites us to find a balance between work and family, between material achievement and deep emotional connection. At the same time, this Full Moon highlights our emotional attachment to the past – a time when deep feelings may be stirred again, giving us the opportunity to honour and release the past. It is also an opportunity for us to reassess our unconscious, “autopilot” responses, and change any behaviour that is no longer appropriate. The Full Moon is exact at 2.52pm AEST.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon brings in the Chinese New Year – falling on Fri 31 Jan 2014 at 10 degrees Aquarius, exact at 7.38am Queensland time (so the previous day in Europe and the Americas). Like many traditional cultures, the Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar, and this New Moon marks the beginning of the Year of the Horse.


and … quick promo: The Astrology of 2014

I’ll be giving a couple of talks on the Astrology of 2014 on the Sunshine Coast in January – see details


Happy Chinese New Year!

With love



copyright © 2013 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved

New Moon in Sagittarius 2013

NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS: Tues 3 Dec 2013, exact at 10.22am Queensland time (AEST) at 10 degrees Sagittarius

FULL MOON in GEMINI: Tues 17 Dec 2013, exact at 7.28pm Queensland time (AEST) at 25 degrees Gemini

Skywatching Venus twinkles brightly as the Evening Star in the west, gradually appearing lower in the sky towards the end of the month. Mars rises around midnight, while Jupiter is overhead in the night sky at midnight.


Solstice time … and old loves reappear

What was happening for you eight years ago, especially as far as friends and lovers are concerned? This is the period we’ll all be revisiting in the current Venus retro cycle …

The New Moon falls in Sagittarius on Tues 3 Dec, bringing a fresh burst of enthusiasm for adventure and exploration, with the need to enjoy life to the full. This is a good time to start on a spiritual quest, a study programme or overseas travel, in fact anything that expands your horizons. An easy contact from Uranus lends an air of excitement and a spark of originality to this New Moon.

If your birthday falls close to the date of this New Moon, this marks an important year of new beginnings in your life, particularly with regard to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in life. You are likely to feel more comfortable expressing your true nature this year and being authentic in the world.

The New Moon is exact at 10.22am Queensland time (AEST). The following 24 hrs are a powerful time to put out your intentions.

Mars the warrior goes into the peace-keeping sign of Libra on Sun 8 Dec, so expect action to be taken now to resolve disputes and bring diplomatic solutions. The lovers may clash now with Venus in Capricorn, as both have a natural inclination to take the reins, although Mars’ conciliatory approach is likely to smooth over any real clashes.

The Full Moon in Gemini on Tues 17 Dec invites us to find a balance between rational logic and intuitive knowing, so that any move we make integrates both polarities, aware of relevant information while inspired to find deeper meaning in life. The Full Moon is exact at 7.28pm AEST.

Uranus goes direct the following day Wed 18 Dec. Uranus is the Great Awakener, shaking up any sense we have of security or permanence (and how!). Uranus forces us into unexplored territory, and as it turns direct again for the next 7 months, that’s where we’re heading. Uranus brings new insights and a higher level of awareness, yet it can also be disruptive, shaking things to their very foundation – sometimes even bringing down the whole structure in the urge to bring about revolutionary change. In the words of Leonard Cohen “there is a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”. The more conscious we can be, and the more open we are to the changes that the Universe is demanding of us, the less disruptive this energy is likely to be.

If you are born around 29 March, or have 8 degrees Aries strong in your chart, this Uranus standstill is likely to affect you deeply – a time to reflect on your own truth and integrity, and a great cosmic opportunity to reinvent yourself.

Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn on Sun 22 Dec (Sat 21 Dec in Europe and the Americas). Venus signifies our urge to relate to others, so don’t be surprised if old friends and lovers reappear in your life during the retrograde phase of Venus – you may hear from people you haven’t seen for ages. Or you may be the one seeking to reconnect. Venus retrograde often brings an opportunity to revisit past relationships, especially if there is any unfinished business there. With Venus in Capricorn, the ties that are revisited are likely to be ones that were significant long-term relationships, or partnerships where property and investment played a major role.

Venus retrograde periods move through 8-year cycles, so think back to what was happening for you eight years ago in early 2006 when Venus last went retrograde in Capricorn, for insight into what the themes might be for you this time round. Venus is retrograde for six weeks until Sat 1 Feb (AEST). If you have Taurus, Libra or Capricorn prominent in your chart, this Venus retrograde cycle is likely to have a strong impact on you.

Venus will only be visible as the Evening Star for a short time after she turns retrograde. From then on, Venus will be seen lower in the evening sky until she is no longer visible (as she gets closer and closer to the Sun). Her disappearance was seen in ancient cultures as Venus’ passage through the underworld, followed by her rebirth and transformation as the Morning Star. In ancient times Venus was seen as a dual goddess – the Evening Star was her peaceful aspect, whereas the Morning Star was her warrior incarnation. Venus will reappear as the Morning Star from late January onwards.

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year (and the shortest night) in the southern hemisphere, when the Sun reaches its southernmost position overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn, named after the Sun’s passage into the zodiac sign of Capricorn on this day. This is the traditional mid-season time of celebration and feasting. In the northern hemisphere it is of course the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night. This year the solstice falls on Sun 22 Dec at 3.11am Queensland time, that’s Sat 21 Dec in Europe and the Americas.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon falls on New Year’s Day, Wed 1 Jan 2014 at 10 degrees Capricorn, exact at 9.14pm Queensland time (AEST), perfect timing for New Year’s Resolutions!


and … quick promo: The Astrology of 2014

I’ll be giving a couple of talks on the Astrology of 2014 on the Sunshine Coast in January – the details are not quite finalised at this point, so stay tuned!


Have a wonderful Christmas, Solstice celebrations and New Year!

With love



copyright © 2013 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio 2013

SOLAR ECLIPSE NEW MOON in SCORPIO: Sun 3 Nov 2013, exact at 10.49pm Queensland time (AEST) at 11 degrees Scorpio

FULL MOON in TAURUS: Mon 18 Nov 2013, exact at 1.15am (effectively Sun night) Queensland time (AEST) at 25 degrees Taurus

Skywatching Venus twinkles brightly as the Evening Star in the evening in the west. Jupiter rises around midnight in the east.


Power and Control Issues sparked by this Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

This time last year we were witnessing a total solar eclipse in Far North Queensland. Now here’s another total eclipse in Scorpio ….

The eclipse season continues with this New Moon in Scorpio being a total solar eclipse. Technically it is a rare hybrid eclipse, moving from an annular eclipse (where a ring of solar light is visible around the black disc of the Moon) to a full total eclipse of the Sun. It will be visible on the East coast of the US at sunrise in its annular form, and then the path of totality passes over the North Atlantic and Equatorial Africa. It will be seen as a partial eclipse in the northern part of South America, the whole of Arica and Southern Europe.

The astrological effect of the eclipse is to intensify the feelings of new beginnings brought in by the New Moon. The New Moon in Scorpio signals the start of a major new cycle in terms of self-empowerment and relating to others in a deep and passionate way. The sign of Scorpio is associated with rebirth – or more accurately with all stages in the three-fold journey of transformation: death, the passage through the underworld and then the rebirth, rising like the phoenix from the ashes of the old self. Scorpio represents the capacity for deep and total transformation, and as if that wasn’t enough, this solar eclipse gives it extra intensity.

If your birthday is close to this date, this eclipsed New Moon marks the beginning of a very significant new cycle in terms of your individuality, identity and sense of purpose in life.

If you have planets close to 11 degrees of Scorpio, this will mark the beginning of a major new cycle in terms of what that planet represents in your chart (eg relationships for Venus).

Eclipses demand respect, so take care and don’t take any unnecessary risks in this period or in the couple of weeks either side of the eclipses.

There is a strong build-up of planets in Scorpio at this New Moon. Saturn is closely aligned to the eclipsed New Moon, with Mercury and the North Node nearby.

Saturn has been in Scorpio since 6 Oct last year, and in that time has been bringing restraint and control to Scorpio issues such as sexuality, secrecy and covert investigation, as government reactions to Wikileaks (via Julian Assange) and the NSA revelations (via Edward Snowden) have shown. Saturn aligning with the eclipsed New Moon, all in Scorpio, brings the potential for increased government control and even misuse of power. We are seeing the negative use of authority going on in Queensland right now with the state government trying to exercise undue influence over the judiciary. The flipside of this energetic, using it positively, would be a new initiative claiming self-authority, the beginning of a new cycle in responsibility, self-discipline, respect and eldership. Legalising same-sex marriage is part of the positive side of this configuration, and this process has recently begun in Australia with ACT being the first state to enact this legislation.

Meanwhile Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, is in its ongoing dance with Uranus. They are still in the exact configuration they were two days ago (1 Nov) at this eclipsed New Moon and the effect of this will be felt in its full intensity for several weeks either side of this date. Uranus brings potential unrest and destabilization as old structures are broken down – sometimes collapsing unexpectedly! – a potentially seismic shift while Pluto is engineering deep and irreversible transformation. With conscious awareness, the result can be a new sense of freedom and empowerment that enables you to live authentically, to live your truth.

If you have personal planets at 9 to 11 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) will be picking up strongly on this energy. As I said in last month’s newsletter, this is the fourth of seven exact contacts between 2012 and 2015, a four-year period of revolutionary paradigm shifts that will inevitably include the destabilisation and upheaval of existing power structures. If you have personal planets at these degrees, this revolutionary energy is likely to be currently reflected in your personal life!

Relationships take on a more serious tone when Venus moves into Capricorn on Tues 5 Nov. You may feel the need for more commitment and more stability in your relationship now, combined with a sense of where you are heading together. Meanwhile Mars is in Virgo this lunar month, an analytical and precision-oriented sign. Mars here wants to nail the details of whatever it is you are planning together, and make sure it happens. There is an easy harmony between you now as both lovers are in Earth signs, grounded, practical and most of all, patient. Venus usually only spends three weeks in a sign, but Venus will be in Capricorn until early March 2014 (because of retrograde motion), so this yearning for relationship security and commitment is here to stay, at least till then.

Jupiter goes retrograde on Thurs 7 Nov at 20 degrees Cancer, and is retrograde until early March 2014, a period which could bring legal reviews around Cancerian issues such as family (what legally constitutes a family, in these days of same-sex marriages, surrogate mothers etc), women (women’s rights), mothering (fertility issues) and food (food supply, GMOs, food labeling and food safety). The concept of home, and ‘homeland’ is also a very Cancerian theme and may be very visible in the media during this period. (The US Government (Cancer Sun) brought in the Homeland Security Act in 2002 after 9/11.) Asylum seekers, looking and hoping for a new home, could well fall into this category. At a personal level this is a time to revisit your belief systems and the moral code you live by, particularly with regard to the Cancerian issues mentioned above such as family and fertility. Trust is also associated with Jupiter, so challenges around trust and abundance are likely to surface now so they can be revisited and reworked.

After three weeks of communication glitches, missed appointments and endless attempts to get something to work, we can all heave a collective sigh of relief when Mercury finally goes direct again on Mon 11 Nov.

Neptune turns direct on Thurs 14 Nov, allowing us to move forwards again after a five-month period of self-reflection in which we have revisited and maybe revised our dreams and visions for the future. As Neptune also symbolises veils of illusion, we may have become more aware of the ways in which we are capable of deceiving ourselves, only seeing what we want to see or believing what we want to believe. The cosmic opportunity now is for our vision to be clearer and more connected with Spirit.

The Full Moon falls in Taurus in the early hours of Mon 18 Nov 2013 (effectively Sunday night), bringing into focus your ability to be sensuous and grounded, an excellent time to indulge the senses and pamper the physical body. The Full Moon in Taurus invites you to find a balance between the emotional depths of Scorpio and the sensual body wisdom of Taurus. Check your birth chart to see which house is under the spotlight at 25 degrees Taurus. This Full Moon is exact at 1.15am Queensland time, so Sunday evening is the best time to celebrate.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon falls on Tues 3 Dec 2013 at 10 degrees Sagittarius, exact at 10.22am Queensland time (AEST).


With love


copyright © 2013 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Libra 2013

NEW MOON in LIBRA: Sat 5 Oct 2013, exact at 10.34am Queensland time (AEST) at 11 degrees Libra

LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL MOON in ARIES: Sat 19 Oct 2013, exact at 9.37am Queensland time (AEST) at 25 degrees Aries

Skywatching: Venus twinkles brightly as the Evening Star in the early evening in the west, with Saturn below Venus. Mercury is visible just below Saturn at the New Moon, then comes level with Saturn on 8 Oct, and from then on will appear above Saturn in the evening sky until it turns retrograde. Jupiter rises in the East after midnight


Radical new departures, Eclipse season and Mercury retro

This is a very powerful New Moon this month as it aligns with the current Uranus-Pluto position and triggers the degree of their contact back in May of this year. As always, the New Moon represents the beginning of a new cycle in your life: aligned here with Uranus and Pluto, this month’s new beginning promises to be a radical new departure in some aspect of your life, as shown by the house in which the New Moon falls in your chart.

The New Moon falls in Libra on Sat 5 Oct. In Libra, the New Moon begins a new cycle in your relationships and relating to others generally. It also brings a renewed emphasis on the need for harmony and fairness in all aspects of your life. This lunar month is a good time to focus on restoring balance in your life, giving you the opportunity to consolidate the theme of the Equinox last month (see last month’s update) by implementing whatever changes are required to bring your life back into balance. With Uranus and Pluto part of the picture, building in intensity to their exact point of contact on Fri 1 Nov (see below), you can expect surprises, maybe even upheaval, as you are challenged to step into a new and more empowered way of being and living your life.

If you have planets close to 11 degrees of Libra or the other cardinal signs: Capricorn, Aries, or Cancer, you are likely to experience a significant radical new departure in your life signalled by this New Moon. The direction of this new departure will be shown by what that planet represents in your chart (eg authority and responsibility for Saturn, relationships for Venus).

If your birthday is close to this date, this marks the beginning of a significant major new cycle in terms of your individuality, identity and sense of purpose in life. This New Moon is exact at 10.34am Queensland time (AEST).

This is a time to be watching the world news carefully. At the collective level, any international tensions, especially those which could potentially result in some kind of nuclear conflict, are likely to come to a head now – or especially between now and Fri 1 Nov when the Uranus-Pluto contact is exact. There is always potential for positive outcome if we can bring conscious awareness to the situation, as with the recent defusing of the chemical weapons crisis in Syria. This could potentially mark the beginning of a new era of understanding. However it will require co-operation and effort from all parties.

There is tension between the lovers this month as Venus moves into Sagittarius on Tues 8 Oct and Mars moves into Virgo on Tues 15 Oct, two signs that are naturally at odds with one another. Venus in Sagittarius loves with enthusiasm and unrestrained passion, and with enormous expectations – looking for fun and adventure, and tending to be over-optimistic. Meanwhile Mars in Virgo is much more cautious, bringing grounded practicality to the relationship, and examining the fine detail of Venus’ wilder schemes. Mars in Virgo is analytical and can tend to be a perfectionist, seeking to improve any situation. While the intention is well-meaning, it can often be received as criticism by a partner.

The eclipse season begins again with the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries on Sat 19 Oct (on the night of Fri 18 Oct if you are in Europe or the Americas). This eclipsed Full Moon highlights the ability to be assertive and to take action, yet also calls for the need for balance between independence and co-operation. Expect changes in your life in the areas highlighted in your chart by this lunar eclipse. The eclipse session continues next month with the New Moon on Sun 3 Nov being a total solar eclipse.

Be mindful of my usual warning around eclipses: Eclipses demand respect, so take care and don’t take any unnecessary risks in this period or in the couple of weeks either side of the eclipses.

Mercury goes retrograde on Mon 21 Oct for 3 weeks, bringing the potential for confusion, mistakes and delays. Double-check appointments and flight times, that you have your keys with you, and that messages get through OK. This is not a good time to make any major purchases or sign contracts, unless you’re prepared to revise your plans (or take purchases back to the shop) down the track. It is however a great time to catch up on all your paperwork, and reorganize so you can be more streamlined. Mercury is retrograde until Mon 11 Nov.

Uranus and Pluto are continuing their dance around each other as they slowly move through the zodiac, giving us the flavour of these years – a bit like that old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times!’ All in all there are seven exact contacts between 2012 and 2015, with the planets also coming close in July-Aug 2011 and Feb 2016, giving us five years of powerful awakening, upheaval and transformation at the collective level.

The fourth of these Uranus-Pluto contacts is exact on Fri 1 Nov and will be felt in its full intensity for several weeks either side of this date. As described in earlier newsletters, the energy of Uranus-Pluto is one of a complete paradigm shift, usually through upheaval and revolution, as the old hierarchical structures break down. We only have to look around in the last few years at the Arab Spring, the Global Financial Crisis and the Occupy movement to feel how strong this energy is and how it is being experienced at the collective level. For those of you who remember the revolutionary fervour of 1965-66, when Uranus and Pluto last made significant contact, in essence we are revisiting that energy now. It is hugely disruptive and transformational, all in the quest for a higher level of consciousness to be brought into our lives. It is the upheaval and chaos which leads to cracks appearing in the existing structures, the cracks which let the light get in, to paraphrase Leonard Cohen. The potential then is for utter transformation – a complete death of an old way of being, followed by a journey through the Underworld and eventually a rebirth, a metamorphosis into something completely new, like the phoenix arising from the ashes of the old way of being. Collectively, it is not over yet – we have a few years to go.

This Uranus-Pluto contact is at 9 degrees Aries/Capricorn. If you have points in your chart close to that degree (and that includes 9 degrees Libra or Cancer) then you are likely to be experiencing seismic shifts in your own life at a very personal level as you ultimately give birth to something radically new.


Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The eclipse season continues next month. The New Moon in Scorpio on Sun 3 Nov 2013 is a total solar eclipse, falling at 11 degrees Scorpio. This solar eclipse will be exact at 10.50pm AEST so it won’t be visible in Australia. Nonetheless its effects will still be felt strongly, so if your birthday is close to this date, be especially mindful of the energies around you now.

For everyone: Remember that eclipses demand respect, so don’t take any unnecessary risks in this eclipse season.


With love


copyright © 2013 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved


New Moon in Virgo 2013

NEW MOON in VIRGO: Thurs 5 Sept 2013, exact at 9.36pm Queensland time (AEST) at 13 degrees Virgo

FULL MOON in PISCES: Thurs 19 Sept 2013, exact at 9.12pm Queensland time (AEST) at 26 degrees Pisces

Skywatching: Jupiter and Mars both rise in the early morning sky before the Sun, with Jupiter the higher of the two planets. Venus twinkles brightly as the Evening Star in the early evening western sky, with Saturn above Venus.


Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere

The New Moon falls in Virgo on Thurs 5 Sept, inviting us to be grounded and to focus on the practical day-to-day tasks of life. This is an excellent time to begin a new cycle in a health regime, or to bring a new sense of order into your life. Virgo loves order and has a tendency towards perfectionism. The challenge for Virgo is to pay attention to detail without losing sight of the overall vision.

If your birthday is close to this New Moon, this marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in terms of your identity and your sense of purpose. This New Moon is exact at 9.36pm Queensland time (AEST).

There may be some tension between the lovers this month after Venus moves into Scorpio on Wed 11 Sept, a sign naturally at odds with Leo where Mars is currently. Both signs are fixed in nature, so if there’s any disagreement, don’t be surprised if they both dig in their heels and refuse to budge. Venus in Scorpio relates in a deep emotional way and is intensely private, in contrast to Mars in Leo who tends to be confident and exuberant, loving to be in the limelight. It’s not an easy combination, but both signs are very passionate, so there’s potential there if they can just navigate the Mexican stand-off.

Pluto goes direct on Sat 21 Sept, continuing its dance with Uranus the planet of revolutionary awakening. Pluto slows to a standstill at 8 degrees Capricorn, after its retrograde journey from 11 degrees Capricorn in mid-April of this year. If your birthday is around 31 December, or you have 8 to 9 degrees of the cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra) prominent in your chart, you are likely to be experiencing intense transformation at a very personal level – in fact it’s been going on for the last year or two. With Pluto, the challenges are almost always around issues of power, demanding that we step up and claim our own power, in a positive, responsible and empowered way. Pluto is now moving forwards and leaving this degree behind, but it’s too early yet to heave a sigh of relief as Uranus will station pretty much on this same degree between mid-November and mid-January 2014, so it’s not all over yet and there are likely to be a few more disruptions and insights to come before you can finally relax!

For all of us, Pluto turning direct is a time when deeply-buried issues may finally rise to the surface, particularly if you’ve become more aware of them bubbling away in the last six months. This time now is well-suited to deep inner work, shifting these issues so that you can at last move forward.

Remember, we are all being affected by the ongoing revolutionary Uranus-Pluto energy which is bringing collective paradigm shifts (along with huge upheavals around the world). The key to moving through this is to stay as conscious as possible at all times, and to stay in the light.

The Equinox falls on the morning of Mon 23 Sept (in Australia, on the evening of Sun 22 Sept in Europe) exact at 6.44am Queensland time (AEST). The theme of the Equinox is always about balance – it’s the time of year when day and night are of equal length (‘equi-nox’ means ‘equal night’) and the seasons come to a point of balance. This Equinox is marked by the Sun moving into the zodiac sign of Libra, the sign associated with harmony, balance and fairness. In the Southern hemisphere this is the Spring Equinox, a time of rejoicing that winter is over and celebrating the birth of new life. The seasons are reversed in the Northern hemisphere where this is the Autumn Equinox, a time of harvest celebration, giving thanks for the abundant crops produced by the summer months. Whether you are celebrating the Spring or Autumn Equinox, this is a perfect time to reflect on your own life, to explore what might be out of balance there and find a way to restore that, whether it’s in your relationships, your family life, your work or any other aspect of your life.

The Full Moon falls in Pisces on Thurs 19 Sept. This is a dreamy, romantic time which can bring a yearning for oneness and spiritual fulfillment. It also highlights the balance between holding a vision and being able to implement it at a practical level. If you have significant chart points around 26 degrees Pisces, you will be strongly affected by this Full Moon. The Full Moon is exact at 9.12pm AEST.

Looking ahead to next lunar month …

The next New Moon falls on Sat 5 Oct 2013 at 11 degrees Libra, exact at 10.34am Queensland time (AEST). The eclipse season starts again with next month’s eclipsed Full Moon (lunar eclipse) on Sat 19 Oct, so be mindful of my usual warning around eclipses: Eclipses demand respect, so take care and don’t take any unnecessary risks in this period or in the couple of weeks either side of the eclipses. Also, Mercury goes retrograde on Mon 21 Oct, so make sure you complete important paperwork and any major purchases well before then.


With love


copyright © 2013 Chirone Shakti All rights reserved