Archives for October 2022

Mars turns retrograde 2023

Mars turns retrograde 2023


Mars 2Get ready to exercise patience as Mars turns retrograde!   It’s been in its retro shadow since 4 Sept, getting gradually slower and slower, then stops and turns retro on Sun 30 Oct at 25 degrees Gemini.  Watch where you direct your energy, and try to finish up any projects you’re working on long before Mars turns retro.  Mars retro is characterized by a sense of getting nowhere fast, of projects stalling, of pushing sh*t uphill, leading to all kinds of frustration.

Any anger felt now is likely to be expressed verbally (Mars in Gemini) – but if not expressed, then it’s likely to fester in brooding resentment, or worse, make you depressed or physically ill.

frustration aheadSo here’s an opportunity to learn some anger management strategies, like counting to ten, leaving the room till you’ve calmed down, then go for a walk , dig the garden or go to the gym – anything that gets you physically moving the energy!  Just remember it’s important to come back later and resolve the triggering situation from a place of calm objectivity.  Be mindful especially of any feelings of impatience, frustration, competitiveness, resentment …. they’re all Mars under different guises.

The key is to be patient, as life seems to thwart our every attempt at moving forwards.  Slow down, listen to the Universe and use the time wisely to review and redesign – it might not take much, maybe just a few tweaks here and there – but this is an opportunity to revisit your decisions and your actions.  Use this period wisely, and make sure you don’t blow a fuse

The gift of retrograde Mars is learning patience … breathe!  Just take a breath and take the urgency (and stress!) out of the picture.  The likely outcome is that your final result will be an improved version of the original.

Mars is retrograde until Fri 13 Jan 2023 (AEST) when it turns direct at 8 degrees Gemini. Because of its retrograde motion, Mars will actually stay in Gemini till the end of March next year.



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Venus Star Point moves to Libra

Venus Star Point moves to Libra

Rose of Venus


The Venus Star Point (VSP) is where Venus and the Sun meet up – almost at the same point each time, but moving slowly backwards through the zodiac.  There are 5 such points in Venus’ 8-year cycle.


On the morning of 23 Oct (AEST, the previous day in Europe and the Americas), Venus joins with the Sun at 29 degrees Libra, the first VSP in Libra for about 150 years. 


It’s likely to herald a shift in our relationship with the feminine as Venus rules the sign of Libra – this VSP had been in Scorpio for many years.  Venus and Sun both move on into Scorpio later that same day.



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