Second chance with True Blue Moon in Capricorn

Second chance with True Blue Moon in Capricorn


Blue Moon 1

The Full Moon on Sun 21 July is the second Full Moon in Capricorn, a very rare occurrence of a True Blue Moon, a cosmic invitation to revisit and expand on the lessons learned at the last Full Moon.

The technical astrological definition of a Blue Moon is when two Full Moons fall in the same zodiac sign, a much rarer instance than two Full Moons falling in a calendar month, the definition the media uses.  So don’t expect to see this in the mainstream press!  For a Blue Moon to happen, the first one has to fall at zero or one degree and the second at 28 or 29 degrees of the same sign.  And no, the Moon’s not really blue!

This second Full Moon in Capricorn again highlights the work we do in the world, our ambitions in life and our willingness to take personal responsibility for how our lives unfold.  It brings into focus the difference between our public and our private lives, inviting us to find a balance between work and home.  If there is something that you have been working towards for a while, this second Full Moon repeats the opportunity to bring things to fruition, with a strong sense of achievement.

Also Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn) is now retro, adding to this sense of re-evaluating where we’re at, revisiting and re-assessing the structure and foundation of our lives. Really look at how you take personal responsibility in your life.
The chart for this Full Moon shows the Moon very close to Pluto (at zero Aquarius), suggesting issues around empowerment and potential power struggles will be in the spotlight.  In mundane (political) astrology this indicates that power is with the people (Moon).

The Full Moon is exact at 8.17pm Queensland time (AEST) on Sun 21 July at 29 Capricorn.

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Accidents alert! Mars-Uranus conjunction

Accidents alert!  Mars-Uranus conjunction



Expect accidents and explosions to be in the news for a few days around 16 July when Mars and Uranus come together at 26 Taurus – take extra care around this time.

If this activates your personal chart, be especially careful – but on the positive side, you may also find it’s a time of waking up to new possibilities in your life as you discover new freedom to be true to yourself, the gift of Uranus.



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Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide – July 2024

Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide – July 2024


phases of the moon

New Moon:  Sat 6 July 2024 at 8.57am AEST at 14 Cancer

A time of renewed energy as a new cycle starts.

Moon planting: The week following the New Moon is the best time for planting leafy greens.


First Quarter:  Sun 14 July 2024 at 8.48am AEST at 22 Libra

A time to take decisive action with unfolding events as the light of the Moon continues to grow.

Moon planting: The week following First Quarter Moon is ideal for planting fruiting vegetables.


Full Moon – TRUE BLUE MOON:  Sun 21 July 2024 at 8.17pm AEST at 29 Capricorn

A high energy time when things come to fruition or events come to a head.

Moon planting: The week following Full Moon is the best time for planting root crops.


Last Quarter:  Sun 28 July 2024 at 12.51pm AEST at 5 Taurus

A time of reorientation as the light of the Moon decreases, eventually going into the low-energy time of Old Moon just before the cycle begins again with the next New Moon.

Moon planting: The last week of the Moon cycle is the best time for weeding and composting.



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Full Moon in Capricorn 2024 – right on the Solstice!

Full Moon in Capricorn 2024 – right on the Solstice!


The Solstice this year  falls on Fri 21 June, the day before the Full Moon, but because the Full Moon falls in the morning, the best time to celebrate is the previous evening –  the same day as the solstice here in Queensland.  So I’d encourage you to celebrate both on Fri 21 June –  the solstice with a sunrise ceremony (we’re talking Queensland time here) and the Full Moon that evening!

The Full Moon in Capricorn on Sat 22 June 2024 is the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn just a month apart, bringing the theme of this Full Moon into strong focus as we’ll have its cosmic invitation repeated next month.

The Full Moon in Capricorn highlights the work we do in the world, our ambitions in life and our willingness to take personal responsibility for how our lives unfold.

This Full Moon brings into focus the difference between our public and our private lives, inviting us to find a balance between the two opposing polarities of work and home. The spotlight may be on your career or business life, but it’s important to find that balance with your home life.

If there is something that you have been working towards for a while, this Full Moon is likely to bring things to fruition, with a strong sense of achievement.

The Full Moon is exact on Sat 22 June 2024 at 11.07am Queensland time (AEST) at 1 Capricorn (the previous evening in the Americas).  The best time for celebrations and ceremony in Australia will be the previous night while the energy is still building.


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June Solstice 2024 – Cancer Ingress

June Solstice 2024 – Cancer Ingress


winter solstice Newgrange

The word “solstice” means ‘the Sun stands still’, as it reaches the furthest point on its journey along the horizon.  If you’ve never tracked where the Sun rises each morning along the horizon, and noticed how that point changes with the seasons, getting progressively further north or south, then I really invite you to do so!  This is the origin of the ancient standing stones, finding these alignments and tracking them over the course of a year (and much more besides, like predicting eclipses, but that’s another story!).

The June solstice is the furthest north that the Sun rises, which is mid-summer in the northern hemisphere, and mid-winter in the southern hemisphere.

And guess what? On that day, the Sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer – that’s how the Tropics got their name, because the solstice is by definition the moment the Sun moves into the tropical zodiac sign of Cancer.  This solstice is also known as the Cancer Ingress, meaning the moment that the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer.

The June solstice is the longest day of summer (northern hemisphere), or the shortest day of winter (southern hemisphere), and after this, the days get shorter (northern hemisphere) or longer (southern hemisphere) as we move towards the September Equinox where day and night come into balance and are equal once more.

The solstice is the real turning point of the year, and was always celebrated in ancient times, often with bonfires and dancing.  Plants especially respond to the change in the length of days, often only germinating either before or after the solstice.  If we were more in tune with Nature, ie without artificial light, we’d respond a lot more obviously too!

The solstice is exact on Fri 21 June 2024 at 6.50 am Queensland time (AEST), the previous day in Europe & the Americas (Remember a lot of what you see on social media is in US time zones).

However you choose to celebrate this ancient mid-season festival, whether that’s mid-winter here in the southern hemisphere or mid-summer if you’re in the northern hemisphere, I wish you a very joyous and peaceful Solstice!

Happy Solstice celebrations! 


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New Moon in Gemini 2024

New Moon in Gemini 2024



New Moon in Gemini 
Thurs 6 June 2024 at 10.37pm AEST at 16 Gemini

Full Moon in Capricorn 
Sat 22 June 2024 at 11.07am AEST at 1 Capricorn

Saturn and Mars can be seen as morning stars in the east before sunrise.

June Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


The New Moon falls in Gemini on Thurs 6 June, bringing an opportunity to begin a new cycle in the way we communicate, network and exchange ideas.

As an Air sign, Gemini is naturally objective and rational, so has a real talent for dealing with information.  Gemini has a combination of sociability and extreme curiosity – the answer to one question simply creates more questions!  Through its association with the media, this can be an excellent sign for journalism. Gemini is also associated with education, and the natural curiosity of this sign often makes learning effortless.  A New Moon in the sign of Gemini can usher in a new cycle in any of these areas.

If your birthday falls close to this New Moon, within a day either side, this marks a significant year ahead for you.  The new cycles starting in your life now are likely to be in connection with your sense of self, your identity and your purpose in life.

The New Moon falls at 16 degrees Gemini.  If you have points in your birth chart close to this degree (within one degree), then a new cycle is likely to begin in that part of your life (eg relationships for Venus).

The New Moon is exact at 10.37pm Queensland time AEST.  Remember to set your intentions in the 24 hrs immediately after the New Moon.


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Lunar Phases & Moon Planting – June 2024

Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide – June 2024

phases of the moon




Note times are given in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hrs ahead of GMT.


New Moon:  Thurs 6 June 2024 at 10.37pm AEST at 16 Gemini

A time of renewed energy as a new cycle starts.

Moon planting: The week following the New Moon is the best time for planting leafy greens.


First Quarter:  Fri 14 June 2024 at 3.18pm at 23 Virgo

A time to take decisive action with unfolding events as the light of the Moon continues to grow.

Moon planting: The week following First Quarter Moon is ideal for planting fruiting vegetables.


Full Moon:  Sat 22 June 2024 at 11.07am AEST at 1 Capricorn

A high energy time when things come to fruition or events come to a head.

Moon planting: The week following Full Moon is the best time for planting root crops.


Last Quarter:  Saturday 29 June 2024 at 7.53am AEST at 7 Aries

A time of reorientation as the light of the Moon decreases, eventually going into the low-energy time of Old Moon just before the cycle begins again with the next New Moon.

Moon planting: The last week of the Moon cycle is the best time for weeding and composting.



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Jupiter moves into Gemini 2024

Jupiter moves into Gemini 

Jupiter canstockphoto



Jupiter moves into Gemini on Sun 26 May.

Jupiter is associated with ethics and proposing new legislation (Saturn is about enforcing those laws).

As Jupiter moves through Gemini, we can expect more debate around the ethics of information technology, social media, and the media empires.  With AI becoming more ubiquitous and influential, that will need to form part of the conversation too.  So also will everything that involves collecting information – we know it’s the new gold, and what powers organisations like Meta (Facebook).  There’s even a new term for it: information capitalism – not to forget its evil twin, surveillance capitalism.

Expect all these topics to be in the news over the next 12 months.  Hopefully we may see some legislation put in place to tame the monsters.


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Full Moon in Sagittarius 2024

Full Moon in Sagittarius 2024

The Full Moon falls in Sagittarius on Thurs 23 May.

Sagittarius is eternally buoyant and optimistic, driven by the need to find meaning in life, if not THE meaning of life.  This Full Moon is likely to be especially powerful as Pluto is exactly configured with the Full Moon, in a supportive aspect.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius invites us to find a balance between this enthusiastic search for truth and the need to approach an issue rationally, collecting information first rather than acting impulsively.  Sagittarius is famous for leaping into situations, all fired up, ready to fight for a cause or go on a quest, without stopping to check the facts first – and then in its enthusiasm and thirst for adventure, it doesn’t know when (or sometimes even how) to stop and rein in the energy – it’s what gives Sagittarius its OTT reputation, ie being completely Over The Top!  So use the energies of this Full Moon to find that balance in your life.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius may also bring up issues of Trust, whether that’s trust in someone else or trust in yourself – ultimately it all comes down to Trust in the Universe.

Check your birth chart to see what’s under the Full Moon spotlight at 2 degrees Sagittarius.

The Full Moon is exact at 11.53pm Queensland time (AEST).


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New Moon in Taurus 2024

New Moon in Taurus 2024



New Moon in Taurus 
Wed 8 May 2024 at 1.21pm AEST at 18 Taurus

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Thurs 23 May 2024 at 11.53pm AEST at 2 Sagittarius


Saturn, Mars and Mercury can be seen as morning stars in the east before sunrise.

May Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


The New Moon falls in Taurus on Wed 8 May.  There’s lots going on in Taurus at the moment, with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of 21 April at 21 degrees Taurus shaking things up, as I discussed above in my intro.  This New Moon at 18 degrees Taurus is not far from the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction degree, which means that this New Moon may well echo and reinforce the energies of that conjunction, suggesting that this is when a new cycle connected to those energies will start.

As well as the Sun and Moon in Taurus at this New Moon, we also have the personal planets Venus and Mercury, and as each of these move over Uranus and then Jupiter this lunar month, they’re likely to act as timing devices for the more volatile events connected with the conjunction to occur.  It could be quite a volatile month!

The New Moon in Taurus represents the opportunity for us to begin a new cycle in our relationship with the physical world and with the Earth, a reminder of the extinction crisis that’s underway, that Uranus in Taurus has been making us more aware of, and more agitated to take action. This New Moon invites us to begin a new cycle in our relationship with the Earth and to step into our role as her guardians, taking actions such as joining any of the environmental movements, my favourite being Stop Ecocide International.  One of the potential outcomes for Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus is that legislation could be implemented to protect the planet and our fragile ecology.

Taurus is associated with security in its many forms – emotional, material and financial – and this need for security (or more accurately, the fear of lack of security) can give rise to the sign’s tendency towards possessiveness and material accumulation.  Use this lunar month to explore your own security needs and your relationship with abundance.  We may even see significant changes in the financial world – Jupiter-Uranus could well bring that in.  Either way, it’s an opportunity for us to begin a new cycle in our finances!

At a personal level, this New Moon is an excellent time for enjoying luxury and pampering our physical bodies, indulging in sensuous pleasure.  Taurus loves luxury and has an appreciation of the finer things in life, so feel free to indulge your senses now!

If your birthday is close to this date (within a day either side), this New Moon marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in relation to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in the world.

If you have chart points at 18 Taurus, this New Moon signifies the start of a new cycle in whatever that planet represents (eg responsibility for Saturn).

The New Moon is exact at 1.21pm Queensland time (AEST).  Remember to set your New Moon intentions in the following 24 hrs.


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