Full Moon in Capricorn 2023

Full Moon in Capricorn 2023


Full Moon in Capricorn  Mon 3 July 2023 at 9.38pm AEST at 11 Capricorn


The Full Moon in Capricorn on Mon 3 July 2023 highlights the work we do in the world, our ambitions in life and our willingness to take personal responsibility for how our lives unfold.

This Full Moon brings into focus the difference between our public and our private lives, inviting us to find a balance between the two opposing polarities of work and home. The spotlight may be on your career or business life, but it’s important to find that balance with your home life.

If there is something that you have been working towards for a while, this Full Moon is likely to bring things to fruition, with a strong sense of achievement.  With Mars in Leo part of this Full Moon picture, there could well be cause for celebration!

The Full Moon is exact at 9.38pm Queensland time (AEST) on Mon 3 July 2023 at 11 degrees Capricorn.   Find this point in your birth chart and see which part of your life (which astrological house) is activated under the Full Moon spotlight.


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