
Family Insight Session ONLINE


Deepen your understanding of the connections between members of your family.  See detailed description below for more information.

Astrology Consultation Family Info

  • Person 1

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  • Person 2

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  • Person 3

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  • Person 4

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SKU: astrologyfamily Category:

Product Description

A Family Insight session takes an in-depth look at the dynamic of your family and each of your family members, using the birth charts of everyone in your family unit.

First we look at what the individual birth charts tell us about each family member – what their potential is, what their emotional needs are, where their passion is likely to lie, and how they naturally relate to others.  The birth charts can also indicate if there are likely to be any challenges that could distort relationships, such as lack of self-esteem.

Then we compare the family charts and see how you affect each other – what you each bring out in the others and how you interact.  This can reveal where you are naturally in tune with some members of your family, where you may have differing needs yet can support each other, and where you may clash – and then how to transform those clashes 🙂

There is a third energetic in any family, and that is the family unit itself.  We take a detailed look at the chart of your family, and what that tells us about your purpose and direction together.

Lastly, we explore the astrological influences on you right now, and the year ahead – your family chart will respond to these changing influences, as will the individual birth charts of each family member.

Sessions are conducted online, and recorded so that you have a permanent record of your consultation.

An understanding of the Astrology of your family certainly helps you understand the complexity of the dynamics – and how these can be handled positively 🙂 💗