Uranus turns retro 2023


Uranus turns retrograde


Uranus goes retrograde on 29 Aug at 23 degrees Taurus.  This gives you the opportunity to review your life from a perspective of increased awareness, especially any innovation you may have introduced in the last 7 months.

The house that Uranus is currently transiting (taking about 7 years on average to travel through a house) will be the area of your life currently under this kind of review.

If your birthday is close to 14 May, you may be experiencing the negative side of Uranus which is destabilization and chaos – transform this by recognising an opportunity to bring more awareness into your life and be more authentically yourself, a classic time for re-inventing yourself.

If you have 23 degrees Taurus strong in your chart (or 23 degrees of any of the other fixed signs Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius), this Uranus standstill is likely to affect you deeply – a time to reflect on your own truth and integrity, and a great cosmic opportunity to reinvent yourself.  It’s also a time to awaken to something in your life, you’ll know best what that is.  The Universe is saying that you need to bring more awareness to this aspect of your life and make significant changes there – otherwise the Universe has a way of forcing these changes upon you!

Uranus is retrograde for 5 months until 27 Jan 2024 when it goes direct again at 19 Taurus.


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