New Moon in Libra 2022

New Moon in Libra 2022


New Moon in Libra   Mon 26 Sept 2022 at 7.54am Queensland time (AEST) at 2 Libra

Full Moon in Aries   Mon 10 Oct 2022 at 6.54am Queensland time (AEST) at 16 Aries

.Skywatching   Mercury can be seen as a bright Morning Star around 8 Oct.  Saturn and Jupiter are visible after sunset in the eastern sky.


Things are starting to heat up. The eclipses are coming, starting at the end of October, bringing unexpected changes into our lives from this coming Full Moon onwards.  We enter the six-week eclipse season at this Full Moon.  Pluto and Saturn both turn direct this month, intensifying their energy during their stationary periods. Meanwhile Mars is starting to slow down, ready for his retro journey at the end of Oct.   The good news?  We have a new Venus Star Point forming on 23 Oct (AEST), in its home sign of Libra.

If you’re interested in the Asteroids and the newly-discovered dwarf planets, I have a new course coming up soon Astro*Goddesses where we’ll examine all the different faces of these feminine archetypes.  More info and registration



The New Moon falls in Libra on Mon 26 Sept bringing the opportunity to start a new cycle in your relationships and connections with others.

Libra is the sign of the born diplomat, the mediator who can always see both sides of any issue and wants the result to be harmonious. The symbol for Libra after all is the scales, where things can be weighed and balanced.

This New Moon in Libra is a good time to focus on restoring balance in your life, consolidating the theme of the Equinox last month, by implementing whatever changes are required to bring your life back into balance and harmony.

Libra is an Air sign, sociable and communicative, with a huge need for fairness.  It’s also one of the leadership signs, but its point of difference is that it doesn’t need to be out front – quite the contrary. The leadership style of Libra is inclusive and co-operative, making Libra an excellent leader.  The challenge however for Libra is decision-making!  They are so good at seeing all sides of the question that reaching a final decision can be agony for them, especially when they’re trying to keep everyone happy.  Because they hate disharmony, people-pleasing is often one of their main issues, not helped by their reluctance to confront and tackle any problem areas.  Embracing more of the assertiveness of their opposite sign Aries can be really helpful.

This New Moon is opposite Jupiter, suggesting that questions of abundance (do I have enough?) and trust (am I supported by the Universe?) are likely to come up in this lunar month.  This is an opportunity for you to actively integrate a sense of trusting the Universe, and a sense of having abundance in your life if you don’t yet experience this.  A gratitude practice can really help, where each morning you focus on all the things you’re grateful for in your life.

If your birthday is close to this New Moon, this marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in terms of your identity and your sense of purpose.

If you have planets at 2 degrees of Libra, this marks the beginning of a new cycle in whatever that planet symbolises (eg responsibility for Saturn).

Remember to set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of this New Moon. The New Moon is exact at 7.54am Queensland time (AEST) at 2 degrees Libra.




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