New Moon in Gemini 2024

New Moon in Gemini 2024



New Moon in Gemini 
Thurs 6 June 2024 at 10.37pm AEST at 16 Gemini

Full Moon in Capricorn 
Sat 22 June 2024 at 11.07am AEST at 1 Capricorn

Saturn and Mars can be seen as morning stars in the east before sunrise.

June Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


The New Moon falls in Gemini on Thurs 6 June, bringing an opportunity to begin a new cycle in the way we communicate, network and exchange ideas.

As an Air sign, Gemini is naturally objective and rational, so has a real talent for dealing with information.  Gemini has a combination of sociability and extreme curiosity – the answer to one question simply creates more questions!  Through its association with the media, this can be an excellent sign for journalism. Gemini is also associated with education, and the natural curiosity of this sign often makes learning effortless.  A New Moon in the sign of Gemini can usher in a new cycle in any of these areas.

If your birthday falls close to this New Moon, within a day either side, this marks a significant year ahead for you.  The new cycles starting in your life now are likely to be in connection with your sense of self, your identity and your purpose in life.

The New Moon falls at 16 degrees Gemini.  If you have points in your birth chart close to this degree (within one degree), then a new cycle is likely to begin in that part of your life (eg relationships for Venus).

The New Moon is exact at 10.37pm Queensland time AEST.  Remember to set your intentions in the 24 hrs immediately after the New Moon.


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New Moon in Taurus 2024

New Moon in Taurus 2024



New Moon in Taurus 
Wed 8 May 2024 at 1.21pm AEST at 18 Taurus

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Thurs 23 May 2024 at 11.53pm AEST at 2 Sagittarius


Saturn, Mars and Mercury can be seen as morning stars in the east before sunrise.

May Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


The New Moon falls in Taurus on Wed 8 May.  There’s lots going on in Taurus at the moment, with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of 21 April at 21 degrees Taurus shaking things up, as I discussed above in my intro.  This New Moon at 18 degrees Taurus is not far from the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction degree, which means that this New Moon may well echo and reinforce the energies of that conjunction, suggesting that this is when a new cycle connected to those energies will start.

As well as the Sun and Moon in Taurus at this New Moon, we also have the personal planets Venus and Mercury, and as each of these move over Uranus and then Jupiter this lunar month, they’re likely to act as timing devices for the more volatile events connected with the conjunction to occur.  It could be quite a volatile month!

The New Moon in Taurus represents the opportunity for us to begin a new cycle in our relationship with the physical world and with the Earth, a reminder of the extinction crisis that’s underway, that Uranus in Taurus has been making us more aware of, and more agitated to take action. This New Moon invites us to begin a new cycle in our relationship with the Earth and to step into our role as her guardians, taking actions such as joining any of the environmental movements, my favourite being Stop Ecocide International.  One of the potential outcomes for Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus is that legislation could be implemented to protect the planet and our fragile ecology.

Taurus is associated with security in its many forms – emotional, material and financial – and this need for security (or more accurately, the fear of lack of security) can give rise to the sign’s tendency towards possessiveness and material accumulation.  Use this lunar month to explore your own security needs and your relationship with abundance.  We may even see significant changes in the financial world – Jupiter-Uranus could well bring that in.  Either way, it’s an opportunity for us to begin a new cycle in our finances!

At a personal level, this New Moon is an excellent time for enjoying luxury and pampering our physical bodies, indulging in sensuous pleasure.  Taurus loves luxury and has an appreciation of the finer things in life, so feel free to indulge your senses now!

If your birthday is close to this date (within a day either side), this New Moon marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in relation to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in the world.

If you have chart points at 18 Taurus, this New Moon signifies the start of a new cycle in whatever that planet represents (eg responsibility for Saturn).

The New Moon is exact at 1.21pm Queensland time (AEST).  Remember to set your New Moon intentions in the following 24 hrs.


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New Moon in Pisces starts eclipse season

New Moon in Pisces starts eclipse season


New Moon in Pisces  Sun 10 March 2024 at 7.00pm AEST at 20 Pisces

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Libra  Mon 25 March 2024 at 5.00pm AEST at 5 Libra

Mars and Venus can be seen as morning stars in the east before sunrise.
Jupiter is an evening star visible in the west at sunset.

March Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


We’re moving into a time of heightened energy with this New Moon as it begins the six-week eclipse season, with the first eclipse being the Lunar Eclipse at the next Full Moon.  The energies are starting to ramp up! Spare a thought or prayer for the people in Gaza – I was horrified to read that the date of this New Moon (which is also the start of Ramadan) was the deadline Israel had set for their ground invasion of Rafah.  As if the energies weren’t intense enough already!!!  The situation is appalling and so heart-breaking.

Remember – take extra care during the eclipse season as the energies are pretty intense, it’s a time that calls for heightened awareness, especially as you go about your daily life.


12Pisces glassThe New Moon in Pisces on Sun 10 March brings the opportunity for a renewed focus on spirituality and the desire to transcend our 3D reality. Pisces has a strong sense of divine homesickness, a spiritual longing to return to source and merge into oneness. This New Moon is a great time to begin a new cycle of spiritual practices!

Pisces is also associated with imagination and creativityThis is an excellent time to begin a new cycle of creative pursuits, such as art, photography or music, essentially anything that takes you into that right-brain space of timelessness!

Pisces is also highly idealistic, bringing more compassion into the world.  However its downside is illusion and deception, making us prone to being deceived (and deceiving ourselves!).  Be careful of falling under some kind of glamour (spell) under the influence of this New Moon, seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses!

This New Moon is a great opportunity to begin a new cycle with regard to any escapist tendencies that you’re aware of, including any form of addiction. The Piscean urge to transcend reality can express negatively as escapism which in its most extreme forms can develop into addictive patterns of behaviour. This is a great opportunity to focus on transforming these into more creative or spiritual pursuits.

Wherever you have 20 degrees of Pisces in your chart is the area of your life that will be affected by this New Moon – for example, if it falls in your 10th house, this signifies the beginning of a new cycle in your career or professional life.

If your birthday falls close to this date (within a day either side), this is the beginning of an important new cycle for you, especially with regard to your sense of identity and your purpose in life.

The New Moon is exact at 7.00pm Queensland time (AEST).  Remember to set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon.

This New Moon begins the six-week eclipse season: the two weeks leading up to the Lunar Eclipse on 25 March (see below), the two weeks between the two eclipses with the Total Solar Eclipse falling on 9 April (more on that next newsletter) and the two weeks leading out of the eclipses.  In this entire six-week period we need to pay extra attention and stay conscious, taking extra care as we go out about our daily lives.


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New Moon in Aquarius 2024 – Chinese New Year!

11Aquarius1New Moon in Aquarius brings in Chinese New Year



New Moon in Aquarius  Sat 10 Feb 2024 at 8.59am AEST at 20 Aquarius

Venus is bright as a Morning Star, close to Mars the red planet, with Mercury low in the sky as the Sun rises.
Jupiter is an evening star visible high in the west at sunset.

February Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


The New Moon in Aquarius falls on Sat 10 Feb at 8.59am AEST.  This Aquarian New Moon marks the Chinese New Year.  Like many traditional cultures, the Chinese use a lunar calendar and this will be the Year of the Wood Dragon.

The New Moon in Aquarius is an opportunity to begin a new cycle in authenticity.  To what extent are you really being true to yourself?  Do you feel free to be true to yourself?  Aquarius is a sign associated with freedom, authenticity, and equality at both the individual and collective level.  It is strongly non-conformist, needing to be different and unique, free of society’s expectations, a natural rebel (I can hear all the Aquarians cheering!!!)  It is also focused on social responsibility, connection at the level of mass consciousness and global humanitarian concerns.

Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is making a challenging aspect to this New Moon, increasing the Uranian energy, challenging you to be authentic and to break free of any restrictions – anything that’s holding you back – and be really true to yourself.  Freedom is the battle cry right now!

Aquarius is an air sign, loving to debate ideas, the more original, inventive and zany the better. Aquarians are very sociable and tend to be known as the party animals of the zodiac!

The New Moon is exact at 8.59am Queensland time (AEST) at 20 degrees of Aquarius.

If your birthday is close to this date (within a day either side), this is the beginning of an important new cycle in your life in terms of your sense of identity and your purpose in the world.

Wherever you have 20 degrees of Aquarius in your birth chart, this indicates the area of life that will be most affected by this New Moon – for example, if this New Moon falls in your 10th house, this signifies the beginning of a new cycle in your career or professional life.

Remember to set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon.


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🌟 Second chance – and best cosmic timing! – for NY resolutions 🌟

Second chance – and best cosmic timing – for your New Year resolutions!


CapricornNew Moon: Thurs 11 Jan 2024 at 9.57pm AEST at 20 Capricorn



The New Moon falls in Capricorn on Thurs 11 Jan at 20 degrees Capricorn.

I know we’re past 1 Jan now, but the New Moon in Capricorn is always the absolute best time to make your New Year’s resolutions as the energy of this New Moon gives you the self-discipline and determination to carry out the incremental steps you need to take during the year to achieve your goals.  So this New Moon represents a second chance – and the best cosmic timing – to make your NY resolutions!

A New Moon always represents the beginning of a new cycle in some part of your life.  The Capricorn New Moon invites renewed focus on self-discipline, goal-setting, improving time management and introducing more structure into your life – all in the service of moving forwards on your chosen path.  Remember the image of Capricorn the goat, climbing slowly but steadily up the mountain, one step at a time, guaranteed to reach the summit.

Capricorn is an Earth sign, grounded, sensible and practical – excellent at dealing with material reality.  The sign is ruled by Saturn, the ultimate taskmaster who sets firm boundaries, exercises self-authority and is very cautious. The downside  of Capricorn (every sign has its downside) is the tendency for caution to become fear, leading in some cases to freezing (‘petrified’ means turned to stone) so that no action is taken. Saturn can also be a fierce inner critic, sowing self-doubt that can stifle those Capricorn ambitions. Caution is fine, yet make sure you continue to move forwards.  It’s time now to accept full personal responsibility for your life, and to realise that YOU are the only one who can make the necessary changes for your life to move in the direction you want.

Wherever you have Capricorn in your chart is the area of life that will be most strongly affected by this New Moon – for example, if it is in your 6th house, this is an opportunity to bring more self-discipline to your daily routine and health regime; if it falls in the 2nd, this will apply to your finances.  If you are not sure where Capricorn falls in your birth chart, think of the area of your life that could most benefit from some self-discipline right now – you’ll probably tune into it intuitively!

If your birthday falls close to this New Moon (within a day either side), this is the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in terms of your sense of identity and purpose in the world.

If you have 20 degrees Capricorn strong in your chart, or if any of your planets fall at this degree, a significant new cycle is starting in the part of your life represented by that planet, such as relationships for Venus.

Remember to create your New Moon intentions (and your Resolutions for 2024!!!) within 24 hours of this New Moon. The New Moon is exact at 9.57pm Queensland time (AEST).


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🌟 Mercury retro over Xmas 🌟 New Moon in Sagittarius 2023🌟

Sagittarius2🌟 Mercury retro over Christmas 🌟

🌟 New Moon in Sagittarius 2023🌟


New Moon in Sagittarius  Wed 13 Dec 2023 at 9.32am AEST at 20 Sagittarius      

Full Moon in Cancer  Wed 27 Dec 2023 at 10.33am AEST at 4 Cancer

Skywatching:  Venus is visible before dawn as a twinkling Morning Star.
Mercury is still visible as a low evening star in the west at the New Moon, but it will soon disappear as it turns retro.
At sunset, Saturn is high in the west while  Jupiter can be seen in the eastern sky.

December Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


I’m posting this out a bit earlier than usual so you have a heads up about the upcoming Mercury retrograde. We’re already in the retro shadow (if you haven’t noticed!) – I’ve found myself on 3 separate occasions in the last few days having to turn round and go back for something I’d forgotten … 😀 gotta see the cosmic joke!  So get your travel plans and your major Christmas purchases finalised as soon as you can, well before Mercury actually goes retro.  You’ll see below that Mercury turns retro on the day of the New Moon, 13 Dec.  If you’re in my Astro*Travels group on Facebook, you’ll have seen my posts about this and hopefully you’re on top of it!


After the muted start to Sagittarius season, we can fully embrace Sagittarian energy at the New Moon in Sagittarius on Wed 13 Dec.  This represents an opportunity to begin a new cycle in your life that’s adventurous, enthusiastically exploring new frontiers, feeling the need to enjoy life to the full.  It is a perfect time to start on a spiritual quest, a course of study or overseas travel – anything that expands your horizons. The travel can of course be internal – a spiritual journey, to the truth of who you are.

Sagittarius is a Fire sign, warm and enthusiastic, naturally optimistic and with an undying trust in the Universe.  Sagittarians love to explore and go on adventures, not just for the fun of it, but because they’re also motivated by a quest to discover the Meaning of Life. Their sign is ruled by confident Jupiter, in a supportive aspect to the New Moon, which increases the trademark Sagittarian boundless enthusiasm and confidence.  On the downside (every sign has its downside), Sagittarians can have a tendency to go over the top, taking risks through being over-confident, and then over-extending themselves, not knowing when or where to stop. Keep an eye on your finances!

Find where this New Moon falls in your chart at 20 degrees Sagittarius and tune into the new departure that could be starting for you now.  The house placement will show you which part of your life is most affected.

If your birthday is close to this New Moon (within a day either side), this marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in terms of your identity and your sense of purpose.

If you have a planet at 20 degrees of Sagittarius, this marks the beginning of a new cycle in whatever that planet symbolizes (eg relationships for Venus).

Set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon, exact at 9.32am AEST (Queensland time).

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On the same day as the New Moon, Mercury turns retrograde and will be up to its usual tricks, scrambling communications so don’t be surprised if you end up with double-bookings, missed bookings, messages not getting through, needing to return purchases – and increased chances of delayed flights.

During any Mercury retro period, it pays to double-check everything. Check those reservations. Keep those receipts safe. Check that those messages actually got through, especially if you haven’t heard back.  Check you have your keys with you when you leave the house.  Take a book with you to the airport and be prepared for delays – that way you won’t fry if it actually happens, and can be pleasantly surprised if all goes smoothly.  Patience will help tremendously.

Mercury is retro for 3 weeks from 13 Dec to 2 Jan 2024.

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Volatile energies at this New Moon in Scorpio 2023

Volatile energies at this New Moon in Scorpio 2023



New Moon in Scorpio   Mon 13 Nov 2023 at 7.27pm AEST at 20 Scorpio           

Full Moon in Gemini   Mon 27 Nov 2023 at 7.16pm AEST at 4 Gemini


Venus is visible before dawn as a twinkling Morning Star.
At sunset, Saturn is high overhead, while  Jupiter is low in the eastern sky.
Look out for Mercury as an evening star in the west around 4 Dec, when it’s most visible.


November Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


Although the eclipse season comes to an end at this New Moon, the presence of Mars & Uranus with the New Moon means that energies this month are still pretty volatile.  Patience is a great key word for this lunar month!


The Scorpio New Moon falls on Mon 13 Nov 2023 at 7.27pm AEST at 20 Scorpio.  This New Moon has a very volatile signature, close to Mars and opposite Uranus.  Mars-Uranus is a combination often seen in the charts of accidents, and has explosive potential.  More positively though, Mars-Uranus invites us to raise our level of consciousness around the actions we’re taking.

The New Moon in Scorpio typically represents the opportunity to begin a new cycle in self-empowerment.  Scorpio is naturally concerned with issues of power, and the presence of Uranus with this New Moon suggests an invitation from the Universe to wake up to the uses, misuses and abuses of power – both in our personal lives and at the collective level.

Uranus often brings sudden and unexpected events.  The addition of Mars to the mix suggests that action could be taken that is sudden, possibly shocking, but also with the potential to wake people up.  There are any number of crises that this could apply to, whether it’s the war in Gaza, the war in Ukraine, or the climate emergency with the glaciers and sea ice-mass melting in Greenland & Antarctica.  The higher expression of this New Moon-Mars-Uranus energy would see people finally awakening to the impact of these horrors and translating their awareness into some kind of action – Mars-Uranus is after all a very revolutionary energy.

The opposition between the New Moon in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus suggests that one of the main underlying issues is the pursuit of materialism and corporate profits – the power of the multinationals – at the expense of the planet.  In the context of the wars currently raging, oil is a major factor at play and we all know how powerful the oil lobby is – not to mention the arms industry! With Pluto reaching the end of Capricorn though, the old regime’s days are numbered and right now we’re dealing with their death throes – the new technologies will win through. Uranus’ placement with this New Moon could bring powerful revelations to light.

It’s likely that the few days either side of this New Moon will be a very disruptive time as Mars and Uranus face off and combine their energies with those of the New Moon.

Remember the sign of Scorpio is associated with rebirth, or more accurately with all stages in the three-fold journey of transformation: death, the passage through the underworld and then the rebirth, rising like the phoenix from the ashes of the old self.  Scorpio represents the capacity for intense transformation and is the ultimate survivor.

If your birthday is close to this New Moon (within a day either side), this marks the beginning of a new cycle in your life in terms of your identity and your sense of purpose.

If you have a planet or chart point at 20 degrees Scorpio, this marks the beginning of a new cycle for you in whatever that planet symbolises (eg relationships for Venus).

Remember to set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon. The New Moon is exact at 7.27pm AEST (Queensland time).

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Intensity rising! Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra 2023

Intensity rising!  Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra 2023

Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra  Sun 15 Oct 2023 at 3.55am AEST at 21 Libra (eclipse exact at 3.59am)


Venus is visible before dawn as a twinkling Morning Star, at its brightest on 23 Oct.
Saturn can be seen high in the sky at sunset.. 
Jupiter rises in the late evening and is still visible in the west before sunrise. 
October Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋



Huge times!  As if the climate emergency wasn’t enough to contend with …

In this pressure-cooker lead-up to the eclipses, with Pluto stationary and Mars square Pluto, the situation in Gaza-Israel has erupted.  I wrote in last month’s newsletter that Pluto going stationary/direct is a time when deeply-buried issues may finally rise to the surface, and this is certainly happening on both sides of this 75-year-long tragic conflict and dispossession.

Long-buried issues are rearing their head in Australia too in the lead-up to the referendum. We go to the polls on the eve of the eclipse – a solar eclipse always brings the potential for a new start, and as a South Node eclipse it’s about releasing the old, whatever no longer works. I’ll admit I’m an eternal optimist, and I really hope we can redress – or begin to redress – the appalling injustices that have been inflicted on our indigenous peoples.

On a brighter note, make sure you check out Venus as a twinkling Morning Star before sunrise!!!  She is stunningly beautiful and worth getting up early to see!!!  (I know, some of you early birds are always up at that time!)

Take extra care in this eclipse season!


The Libra New Moon on Sun 15 Oct 2023 AEST (the previous day in Europe and the Americas) is an annular solar eclipse, intensifying the new beginnings that always come with a New Moon.

An annular solar eclipse has the force of a total solar eclipse, it’s just that the Moon, which is blocking out the Sun’s light, is further away from the Earth than usual, so it doesn’t completely cover the disc of the Sun.  Instead it allows a ring of light (“Ring of Fire”) to be visible around the eclipsed Sun (the word ‘annular’ comes from the Latin, meaning a ring).  In terms of its astrological effects though, it’s as strong as a total eclipse.  Lasting over five minutes, this eclipse will have a strong intensifying effect on this New Moon.  The Ring of Fire eclipse is visible across North, Central, and South America.

An eclipsed New Moon in Libra brings the opportunity to start a significant new cycle in your relationships and connections with others.

Libra is the sign of the born diplomat, the mediator who can always see both sides of any issue and wants the result to be harmonious. The symbol for Libra is after all the scales, where things can be weighed and balanced. This eclipsed New Moon in Libra is an excellent time to focus on restoring balance in your life, consolidating the theme of the Equinox last month, by implementing whatever changes are required to bring your life back into balance and harmony.

Libra is an Air sign, sociable and communicative, with a huge need for fairness.  It’s also one of the leadership signs, but its point of difference is that it doesn’t need to be out front – quite the contrary. The leadership style of Libra is inclusive and co-operative, making Libra an excellent leader.  The challenge however for Libra is decision-making!  They are so good at seeing all sides of the question that reaching a final decision can be agony for them, especially when they’re trying to keep everyone happy.  Because they hate disharmony, people-pleasing is often one of their main issues, not helped by their reluctance to confront and tackle any problems.  Embracing more of the assertiveness of their opposite sign Aries can be really helpful.

If your birthday is close to this Solar Eclipse New Moon, this marks the beginning of a highly significant new cycle in your life in terms of your identity and your sense of purpose.

If you have planets at 21 degrees of Libra, this marks the beginning of a very significant new cycle in whatever that planet symbolises (eg responsibility for Saturn).

Remember to set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of this New Moon.  They’ll be especially powerful with the effect of the eclipse.  The eclipsed New Moon is exact at 3.55am Queensland time (AEST) at 21 degrees Libra.

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🌟 New Moon in Virgo 2023 🌟 Time to detox and spring-clean! 🌟

New Moon in Virgo 2023

Time for a cleanse & spring-clean


New Moon in Virgo   Fri 15 Sept 2023 at 11.39am AEST at 21 Virgo
Supermoon Full Moon in Aries   Fri 29 Sept 2023 at 7.57pm AEST at 6 Aries

Venus is now a bright Morning Star, with Mercury also visible low in the pre-dawn sky, brightest on 22 Sept.
Mars can be seen at sunset just above the setting sun, aligned with the Moon on 16 & 17 Sept.
Saturn rises just before sunset, and is visible all night.  Jupiter rises in the late evening.

Sept Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋




The New Moon in Virgo on Fri 15 Sept is likely to introduce changes to the way we approach our everyday life. This is an excellent time to start a new health regime, go on a diet or go on a cleanse.

The energy flow with a Virgo New Moon is to do anything that brings a new sense of order into your life. If you’re thinking of de-cluttering your house, this New Moon provides perfect timing, and may even demand it of you!!  You may feel it’s time to start a cleanse, detoxifying now that we’re into Spring in the southern hemisphere (Virgo loves purity!). If you’re feeling an unusually strong urge to spring-clean and tidy up the place, you won’t be alone. Virgo loves order more than anything, a place for everything and everything in its place.

Virgo is an Earth sign, cautious and practical, taking its time to create the order which it loves. It has a tendency towards perfectionism and is excellent at attention to detail.  The challenge for Virgo is not to get lost in the details and then lose sight of the overall vision, the classic state of “can’t see the wood (forest) for the trees”.  It’s great to be on top of the details, but remember to keep them in context.

If your birthday is close to this New Moon, this marks the beginning of a new cycle in your life in terms of your identity and your sense of purpose.

Remember to set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon. The New Moon is exact at 11.39am Queensland time (AEST) on Fri 15 Sept at 21 degrees Virgo.


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New Moon in Leo 2023 – with a twist!

New Moon in Leo 2023 – with a twist!

Expect the Unexpected at this New Moon





A big thank you to everyone who came along to the Eris workshop – we had a great time!  If you missed it, the recording is now available.

Registration is now open for my next Advanced classes: Midpoints (Advanced 3) and Beyond the Beyond (Advanced 7).  Early bird is available, so get in early if you’re planning on coming and save yourself $$$.

If you’re just starting out with Astrology, I have Foundation and Intermediate programmes available online on the Stargazer Astrology Academy.

Thank you to everyone who’s signed up for my new Courses & Workshops mailing list.  If you haven’t yet done so and you’d like to be included, just email me  saying ‘Courses & Workshops’.  Thanks!


The New Moon in Leo on Wed 16 Aug brings a renewed sense of fun and enthusiasm for life. This is a perfect time to re-energize and revitalize.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and this sign has all the life-giving qualities of the Sun, inspiring others with its radiant warmth, energy and passion. Warm-hearted and generous, Leo is the royalty of the zodiac, confident and regal with a flair for the dramatic, so don’t be surprised to find a Leo centre-stage!  Fire signs need to have plenty of fun, and Leos love this to be in lavish grand style.

This New Moon represents the opportunity to begin a new cycle in your enthusiasm for life and your creativity – whatever inspires you and ignites your passion.

However this New Moon is likely to have some unexpected twists accompanying it. The New Moon is in a very tight square to almost-stationary Uranus which could bring a volatile, even destabilising quality to events around this New Moon. The Universe is challenging us to bring a higher level of consciousness into the new cycles starting now.

If your birthday falls close to the date of this New Moon, this marks an important year of new beginnings in your life, particularly with regard to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in life – new beginnings that are very likely to be characterised by these unexpected twists of Fate.

The New Moon falls at 23 degrees Leo. If you have planets close to this point (within one degree) this marks the beginning of a new cycle in whatever that planet represents, for example relationships for Venus.  Remember Uranus is stationing a this degree in Taurus in a few days and this will also have an effect – such as the twists of Fate and new levels of awareness referred to above.

Remember to set your intentions for this lunar month within 24 hours of the New Moon.  The New Moon is exact at  7.37pm Queensland time (AEST) on Wed 16 Aug.


In this Leo time of creativity …
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Are you at a crossroads in your life?
An astrology consultation with me can provide
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Book an astrology consultation with me now