Pluto into Aquarius – March 2023

Pluto into Aquarius – March 2023


pluto symbolPluto moves into Aquarius on Thurs 23 March at 10.14pm the day after the New Moon (AEST).

Pluto moving into a new sign is absolutely momentous, bringing seismic shifts in society.  You may remember the last time Pluto changed signs, in 2008, when it moved into the establishment sign of Capricorn.  This saw the Global Financial Crisis, the first black man elected President of the US, and here in Australia, the Government’s apology to the Stolen Generations.

Pluto can unearth secrets, and show us the dark side of whatever sign it’s moving through.  In Capricorn, the dark secrets of many establishments have been brought to light, the Catholic Church being just one example.

So what will this mean when Pluto moves through Aquarius?  Maybe it will expose the dark side of science, the abuses that are possible through technology – we’ve had a glimpse of that already with the Cambridge Analytica saga but my feeling is, things are only just getting started.  We now have AI developing at an exponential rate, the rise of chatbots like ChatGPT, and the potential for AI developing beyond human intelligence seems all too probable.  Ultimately though, Pluto seeks to empower us by exposing abuses of power, inviting us to step up and use our power for good.

The Universe loves its synchronicities, and in very timely fashion, the movie Everything, everywhere all at once! cleaned up at the Oscars – not that I’ve seen it but by all accounts it’s about the multiverse, a very Aquarian concept.  The arrival of Pluto in Aquarius is going to bring about a huge transformation in the way we think about all of the possibilities that technology is opening up for us – not all of them necessarily good.  In fact with Pluto, there’s always a strong chance that abuse of power can be involved.  So stay alert to the ways these new advancements either are already being used or potentially could be used.

Blockchain can be used for many purposes, not just cryptocurrencies, NFTs and smart contracts.  Other tracking possibilities include for example the origin of all the different ingredients in the food you eat.  The fact that the blockchain can’t be tampered with takes us into a whole new level of accountability, short-circuiting any attempts at misuse of power.

It’s likely that cryptocurrency will become much more mainstream as an alternative to traditional financial systems.  Yet at the same time, Governments will want to hang onto power, so Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will be introduced everywhere as governments try to maintain power over people and currency, indeed it’s already happening in some countries and in the pipeline in others.  The system that exists in China should be an object lesson to us all, in the way that their social credit system is tracked digitally and a person’s access to their bank accounts can be immediately suspended for any perceived misdemeanour.

Pluto in Aquarius could also manifest in the power of communities, whether these are online communities in the metaverse, or communities of real people coming together in real life.  There’s certainly scope for whole new movements to grow, around whatever causes – environmental, humanitarian, scientific – that concern that community most.  There’s also the potential for these communities to find solutions to the problems that humanity is currently facing.  As usual I’m an optimist!  But in my defence I will say that the Saturn-Neptune conjunction coming in 2026 is associated with socialism and egalitarianism, so I remain optimistic that a better future is possible!

Pluto moves very slowly, and this is only the first dip into Aquarius, a tentative 11-week period during which Pluto doesn’t get any further than zero Aquarius before turning retrograde and heading back to Capricorn.  There will be another, longer dip into Aquarius next year, before Pluto eventually moves into Aquarius for good on 20 Nov 2024 (AEST).  Pluto will then stay in Aquarius till 2043-44.


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