Archives for June 2021

More cracks in the system!!! Second Saturn-Uranus square 2021

More cracks in the system!!!

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The second Saturn–Uranus square is exact on 15 June AEST (14 June in Europe & the Americas). This is the Paradigm Shift hallmark signature of 2021 that began with the first square on 18 Feb (AEST), and is bringing yet more cracks to the system now!

The energy combination of the old (Saturn) vs the new (Uranus) is part of the massive polarization that is sadly playing out in so many different areas of society this year.

We discussed this earlier at the first square (see my blogpost) but just to give you a quick reminder of the kind of challenges associated with this Saturn-Uranus square: Regulation (Saturn) of the big tech companies (Uranus); mandatory laws (Saturn) vs individual rights and freedoms (Uranus) which seems to be playing out especially around the pandemic; the banking system (Saturn) vs cryptocurrency (Uranus).  These are just some examples, and all of these are still playing out big time –  it’s likely things could reach a “crunch” time at this second contact.

It’s possible that on some topics, you’ll side with Saturn, and on others you’ll side with Uranus, that’s natural.  However what the Universe is really inviting us to do, is to find a way through the polarization and integrate the positive expression of these two energies, such as providing a legal framework (Saturn) that supports innovation (Uranus).The second Saturn-Uranus square is at 13 degrees Aquarius/Taurus. So at a personal level, if you have 12-14 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) prominent in your chart, you’ll be feeling these tensions strongly.  Do you conform?  Or do you break free??  Or better still, can you find a middle way that allows freedom and authenticity yet still honours your responsibilities?

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