Last SuperMoon of this year – Full Moon in Aries 2023

SuperMoonSuperMoon Full Moon in Aries 

The last SuperMoon of this year


SuperMoon Full Moon in Aries   Fri 29 Sept 2023 at 7.57pm AEST at 6 Aries


Also heads up that with this Full Moon, we head into eclipse season, a time to be particularly careful. The eclipses start with next month’s New Moon solar eclipse. Pluto will be adding to the intensity by stationing direct just a few days before the eclipse.


The last of this year’s SuperMoonsthe Full Moon in Aries– falls on Fri 29 Sept. As always with a SuperMoon, the Full Moon is closer to Earth than usual and so appears larger and brighter in the night sky. The SuperMoon  has a much stronger-than-usual effect on us, heightening emotional dramas, overstretching emergency workers, and bringing higher tides and extreme weather events.

This Full Moon in Aries highlights our ability to be assertive and take action.  It requires us to be able to stand up for ourselves by being sufficiently assertive (Aries) while also being able to maintain harmony (Libra).  It calls for us to find a balance between our need for independence (Aries) and the need for co-operation with others (Libra).  The Full Moon is always about finding that balance between the opposing signs.

Full Moons often bring situations to a head, so be prepared for issues (whether at the personal or collective level) to reach some kind of crisis point where resolution becomes imperative. Any crisis happening now will of course be heightened by the SuperMoon.

The Full Moon is at 6 degrees Aries, so wherever this point falls in your chart is the area of your life that will be under the spotlight now.

The Full Moon is exact at 7.57pm Queensland time (AEST).

Expect feelings to run high more so than usual with a Full Moon, remember it’s a SuperMoon!

NOTE:  This Full Moon ushers in the eclipse season, the six-week period around the eclipses when we need to be extra careful.  The next New Moon, two weeks after this Full Moon, is a solar eclipse.  Stay conscious in this two-week period leading up to the solar eclipse, and of course for the following four weeks.  Take extra care – accidents are much more likely to happen around the time of eclipses.

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Supermoon Full Moon – but is it a true Blue Moon???


Supermoon Full Moon – but is it a true Blue Moon???


The Supermoon Full Moon falls in Pisces on Thurs 31 Aug and the media is awash with stories of a Blue Moon.

But is it a true Blue Moon??

This phrase gets bandied about in the media whenever there are two Full Moons in a calendar month, saying that the second one is a Blue Moon. That’s the popular MSM definition.  It’s almost correct, but not quite!

I’ve always understood the correct astrological definition of a Blue Moon to be when two Full Moons fall in the same zodiac signa much rarer instance than two Full Moons falling in the same calendar month.  For this to happen, the first one has to fall at zero or one degrees and the second one at 28 or 29 degrees of the same sign.

The last time that happened was Sun 22 Aug 2021 when we had the second Full Moon in Aquarius (ie a BLUE MOON) at 29 degrees Aquarius.  The first Full Moon in Aquarius had been on 24 July 2021 (ie in the previous calendar month) at 1 degree Aquarius.

So no, sorry to disappoint everyone, but this isn’t a Blue Moon.  The next true Blue Moon will be on 21 July 2024 at 29 Capricorn.

It is of course a Supermoon though – the third of four Supermoons this year, intensifying the Full Moon energy.

As always with a Supermoon, the Full Moon appears larger and brighter in the sky than usual, and has a much stronger-than-usual effect on us, heightening emotional dramas, overstretching emergency workers, and bringing higher tides and extreme weather events.

This Full Moon in Pisces highlights the importance of finding a balance between holding the creative vision (Pisces) yet at the same time paying attention to the mundane details which ground that vision (Virgo).  If these two polarities are out of balance, you either get a vision that can’t be brought through to reality, or one that evaporates and is lost through too much attention to detail.  Full Moons are always about bringing polarities into balance.

This Full Moon could also bring Piscean themes of sacrifice and martyrdom into sharp focus.

Full Moons often bring situations to a head, so be prepared for issues (whether at the personal or collective level) to reach some kind of crisis point where resolution becomes imperative. Any crisis happening now will of course be heightened by the Supermoon.

The Supermoon Full Moon falls at 7 degrees of Pisces and is exact at 11.35am Queensland time (AEST) on Thurs 31 Aug.  The best time for celebration and ceremony will be the previous night while the energy is still building.  Expect feelings to run high … it is a Supermoon after all!

Enjoy the Supermoon! 

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Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius 2023

Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius 2023

Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius  Wed 2 Aug 2023 at 4.31am AEST at 9 Aquarius

Our second Supermoon of this year (of 4) is the Full Moon in Aquarius on Wed 2 Aug.

As always with a Supermoon, the Full Moon appears larger and brighter in the sky than usual, and has a much stronger-than-usual effect on us, heightening emotional dramas, overstretching emergency workers, and bringing higher tides and extreme weather events.

This Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius highlights the importance of establishing a balance between the needs of the collective and the needs of the individual.

Full Moons often bring situations to a head, so be prepared for collective issues such as those associated with climate change or humanitarian issues such as refugees – to reach some kind of crisis point where resolution becomes imperative.

This Aquarian Full Moon could also bring new and experimental ideas into sharp focus, ideas that are likely to benefit the collective.

The Full Moon falls at 9 degrees of Aquarius and is exact at 4.31am Queensland time (AEST).  The best time for celebration and ceremony will be the previous night while the energy is still building.


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