Full Moon in Capricorn 2024 – right on the Solstice!

Full Moon in Capricorn 2024 – right on the Solstice!


The Solstice this year  falls on Fri 21 June, the day before the Full Moon, but because the Full Moon falls in the morning, the best time to celebrate is the previous evening –  the same day as the solstice here in Queensland.  So I’d encourage you to celebrate both on Fri 21 June –  the solstice with a sunrise ceremony (we’re talking Queensland time here) and the Full Moon that evening!

The Full Moon in Capricorn on Sat 22 June 2024 is the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn just a month apart, bringing the theme of this Full Moon into strong focus as we’ll have its cosmic invitation repeated next month.

The Full Moon in Capricorn highlights the work we do in the world, our ambitions in life and our willingness to take personal responsibility for how our lives unfold.

This Full Moon brings into focus the difference between our public and our private lives, inviting us to find a balance between the two opposing polarities of work and home. The spotlight may be on your career or business life, but it’s important to find that balance with your home life.

If there is something that you have been working towards for a while, this Full Moon is likely to bring things to fruition, with a strong sense of achievement.

The Full Moon is exact on Sat 22 June 2024 at 11.07am Queensland time (AEST) at 1 Capricorn (the previous evening in the Americas).  The best time for celebrations and ceremony in Australia will be the previous night while the energy is still building.


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June Solstice 2024 – Cancer Ingress

June Solstice 2024 – Cancer Ingress


winter solstice Newgrange

The word “solstice” means ‘the Sun stands still’, as it reaches the furthest point on its journey along the horizon.  If you’ve never tracked where the Sun rises each morning along the horizon, and noticed how that point changes with the seasons, getting progressively further north or south, then I really invite you to do so!  This is the origin of the ancient standing stones, finding these alignments and tracking them over the course of a year (and much more besides, like predicting eclipses, but that’s another story!).

The June solstice is the furthest north that the Sun rises, which is mid-summer in the northern hemisphere, and mid-winter in the southern hemisphere.

And guess what? On that day, the Sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer – that’s how the Tropics got their name, because the solstice is by definition the moment the Sun moves into the tropical zodiac sign of Cancer.  This solstice is also known as the Cancer Ingress, meaning the moment that the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer.

The June solstice is the longest day of summer (northern hemisphere), or the shortest day of winter (southern hemisphere), and after this, the days get shorter (northern hemisphere) or longer (southern hemisphere) as we move towards the September Equinox where day and night come into balance and are equal once more.

The solstice is the real turning point of the year, and was always celebrated in ancient times, often with bonfires and dancing.  Plants especially respond to the change in the length of days, often only germinating either before or after the solstice.  If we were more in tune with Nature, ie without artificial light, we’d respond a lot more obviously too!

The solstice is exact on Fri 21 June 2024 at 6.50 am Queensland time (AEST), the previous day in Europe & the Americas (Remember a lot of what you see on social media is in US time zones).

However you choose to celebrate this ancient mid-season festival, whether that’s mid-winter here in the southern hemisphere or mid-summer if you’re in the northern hemisphere, I wish you a very joyous and peaceful Solstice!

Happy Solstice celebrations! 


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December Solstice 2023

December Solstice 2023

winter solstice Newgrange


The December solstice falls on Fri 22 Dec at 1.27pm AEST (Queensland time) and has a very harmonious and grounded energy this year with the Sun exactly trine the Moon in Taurus.

This Solstice is when the Sun reaches its southernmost position overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn (remember that from geography in primary school? 😀). Guess what, the Tropic of Capricorn takes its name from Astrology, from the fact that the Sun moves into the tropical zodiac sign of Capricorn on this day.

The word solstice comes from Latin meaning ‘the Sun stands still’. If you follow the position of sunrise along the horizon during the year, you’ll notice it changes with the seasons. At the solstices in Dec and June, the Sun reaches its furthest point in one direction before returning towards the centre point again. Many ancient sacred sites were aligned with the sun’s position at the solstice, creating a magical effect at the solstice sunrise, including standing stone circles such as Stonehenge and the Newgrange monument in Ireland.

In the southern hemisphere, the December Solstice is the longest day of the year and the shortest night, traditional midsummer time. You’ll notice this more the further south you are, where the days will be very long. After this, days get shorter as we start to move towards autumn and eventually into winter.
In the northern hemisphere the seasons are reversed, and so the December Solstice is of course the Winter Solstice, traditional midwinter time, the shortest day and the longest night, after which the days start to lengthen again and the world returns from the darkness of winter – quite literally in Northern Europe where the hours of daylight are very short indeed at midwinter! This was the origin of the Celtic festival of Yule, signifying the return of the light.

Solstices have always been traditional mid-season times of celebration and feasting. Have a wonderful Solstice, whether you’re celebrating midsummer or midwinter! ❤️

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June Solstice 2023: Cancer ingress

winter solstice NewgrangeJune solstice: Cancer ingress

Turning point of the year


The June solstice is the Cancer ingress, literally when the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer.

The word ‘solstice’ means ‘the Sun stands still’, as it reaches the furthest point north on its journey along the horizon.  If you’ve never tracked where the Sun rises each morning on the horizon, and noticed how that point changes with the seasons, getting progressively further north or south, then I really invite you to do so!  This is the origin of the ancient standing stones, finding these alignments and tracking them over the course of a year (and much more besides, like predicting eclipses, but that’s another story!).

The June solstice is the furthest north that the Sun rises, which is mid-summer in the northern hemisphere, and mid-winter in the southern hemisphere.

And guess what? On that day, the Sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer – that’s how the Tropics got their name, because the solstice marks the moment the Sun moves into the tropical zodiac sign of Cancer (or Capricorn in Dec).

The June solstice is the longest day of summer (northern hemisphere), or the shortest day of winter (southern hemisphere), and after this, the days get shorter (northern hemisphere) or longer (southern hemisphere) as we move towards the September Equinox when day and night are equal once more.

The solstices are the real turning points of the year, and were always celebrated in ancient times, often with bonfires and dancing.  Plants especially respond to the change in the length of days, often only germinating either before or after the solstice.  If we were more in tune with Nature, especially without artificial light, we’d respond a lot more obviously too!

The solstice is exact on Thurs 22 June 2023 at 00.57am Queensland time (AEST) (the day before in Europe and the Americas).

Happy Solstice celebrations! 🌟🎄🌟🎄🌟


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