Full Moon in Sagittarius 2024

Full Moon in Sagittarius 2024

The Full Moon falls in Sagittarius on Thurs 23 May.

Sagittarius is eternally buoyant and optimistic, driven by the need to find meaning in life, if not THE meaning of life.  This Full Moon is likely to be especially powerful as Pluto is exactly configured with the Full Moon, in a supportive aspect.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius invites us to find a balance between this enthusiastic search for truth and the need to approach an issue rationally, collecting information first rather than acting impulsively.  Sagittarius is famous for leaping into situations, all fired up, ready to fight for a cause or go on a quest, without stopping to check the facts first – and then in its enthusiasm and thirst for adventure, it doesn’t know when (or sometimes even how) to stop and rein in the energy – it’s what gives Sagittarius its OTT reputation, ie being completely Over The Top!  So use the energies of this Full Moon to find that balance in your life.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius may also bring up issues of Trust, whether that’s trust in someone else or trust in yourself – ultimately it all comes down to Trust in the Universe.

Check your birth chart to see what’s under the Full Moon spotlight at 2 degrees Sagittarius.

The Full Moon is exact at 11.53pm Queensland time (AEST).


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New Moon in Taurus 2024

New Moon in Taurus 2024



New Moon in Taurus 
Wed 8 May 2024 at 1.21pm AEST at 18 Taurus

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Thurs 23 May 2024 at 11.53pm AEST at 2 Sagittarius


Saturn, Mars and Mercury can be seen as morning stars in the east before sunrise.

May Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


The New Moon falls in Taurus on Wed 8 May.  There’s lots going on in Taurus at the moment, with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of 21 April at 21 degrees Taurus shaking things up, as I discussed above in my intro.  This New Moon at 18 degrees Taurus is not far from the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction degree, which means that this New Moon may well echo and reinforce the energies of that conjunction, suggesting that this is when a new cycle connected to those energies will start.

As well as the Sun and Moon in Taurus at this New Moon, we also have the personal planets Venus and Mercury, and as each of these move over Uranus and then Jupiter this lunar month, they’re likely to act as timing devices for the more volatile events connected with the conjunction to occur.  It could be quite a volatile month!

The New Moon in Taurus represents the opportunity for us to begin a new cycle in our relationship with the physical world and with the Earth, a reminder of the extinction crisis that’s underway, that Uranus in Taurus has been making us more aware of, and more agitated to take action. This New Moon invites us to begin a new cycle in our relationship with the Earth and to step into our role as her guardians, taking actions such as joining any of the environmental movements, my favourite being Stop Ecocide International.  One of the potential outcomes for Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus is that legislation could be implemented to protect the planet and our fragile ecology.

Taurus is associated with security in its many forms – emotional, material and financial – and this need for security (or more accurately, the fear of lack of security) can give rise to the sign’s tendency towards possessiveness and material accumulation.  Use this lunar month to explore your own security needs and your relationship with abundance.  We may even see significant changes in the financial world – Jupiter-Uranus could well bring that in.  Either way, it’s an opportunity for us to begin a new cycle in our finances!

At a personal level, this New Moon is an excellent time for enjoying luxury and pampering our physical bodies, indulging in sensuous pleasure.  Taurus loves luxury and has an appreciation of the finer things in life, so feel free to indulge your senses now!

If your birthday is close to this date (within a day either side), this New Moon marks the beginning of a significant new cycle in your life in relation to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in the world.

If you have chart points at 18 Taurus, this New Moon signifies the start of a new cycle in whatever that planet represents (eg responsibility for Saturn).

The New Moon is exact at 1.21pm Queensland time (AEST).  Remember to set your New Moon intentions in the following 24 hrs.


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Lunar Phases & Moon Planting – May 2024

Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide – May 2024

phases of the moon




Note times are given in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hrs ahead of GMT.


Last Quarter:  Wed 1 May 2024 at 9.27pm AEST at 11 Aquarius

A time of reorientation as the light of the Moon decreases, eventually going into the low-energy time of Old Moon just before the cycle begins again with the next New Moon.

Moon planting: The last week of the Moon cycle is the best time for weeding and composting.


New Moon:  Wed 8 May 2024 at 1.21pm AEST at 18 Taurus

A time of renewed energy as a new cycle starts.

Moon planting: The week following the New Moon is the best time for planting leafy greens.


First Quarter:  Wed 15 May 2024 at 9.47pm at 25 Leo

A time to take decisive action with unfolding events as the light of the Moon continues to grow.

Moon planting: The week following First Quarter Moon is ideal for planting fruiting vegetables.


Full Moon:  Thurs 23 May 2024 at 11.53pm AEST at 2 Sagittarius

A high energy time when things come to fruition or events come to a head.

Moon planting: The week following Full Moon is the best time for planting root crops.


Last Quarter:  Friday 31 May 2024 at 3.12am AEST at 9 Pisces

A time of reorientation as the light of the Moon decreases, eventually going into the low-energy time of Old Moon just before the cycle begins again with the next New Moon.

Moon planting: The last week of the Moon cycle is the best time for weeding and composting.


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Pluto goes retro 2024

Pluto goes retro 2024


pluto symbol

Pluto slows to a halt on Fri 3 May ready to begin his retrograde journey.  If anything in your life has been going through symbolic death throes in the last six months, this is a time when you are likely to revisit the whole process, perhaps at an even deeper level as you search for the hidden truths and the soul essence of who you are, the alchemist’s gold that can eventually emerge from the blackness.

Pluto is stationary at 2 degrees of Aquarius.

Anyone whose birthday falls around 23 Jan is likely to be experiencing a very intense time while personal transformation goes on at a deep core level – the eventual outcome is empowerment, the ability to stand comfortably in your own power, but it’s a long drawn-out process which won’t be complete until the beginning of 2026.  This will also be true for anyone with personal planets at this degree, or at 2 degrees of the other fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio.

Pluto will retrograde back to 29 degrees Capricorn before turning direct again on 12 Oct 2024.



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Clear ahead – Mercury goes direct!

Clear ahead – Mercury goes direct! 


Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 12.05.40 pm

We can all heave a sigh of relief as Mercury goes direct after three weeks of its usual communication challenges, delays and frustrations.

Mercury goes direct on Thurs 25 April, stationing at 15 Aries after its recent retrograde period.

The frustrations of the last three weeks will now ease and communications become a lot smoother again.

In the days leading up to Mercury going direct, continue to double-check appointment times, that you have your keys with you, and that messages get through OK.

Remember that confusion and misunderstandings occur much more easily at this time.

Try to delay any major purchases or contract-signing till at least a week after Mercury’s gone direct.

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Secrets come to light at Full Moon in Scorpio 2024?

Secrets come to light at Full Moon in Scorpio 2024?


Full Moon clouds

The Full Moon on Wed 24 April (AEST) brings the six-week eclipse season to a close.

Falling in Scorpio, it’s likely to be a very emotional time when deep and passionate feelings are revealed. This Scorpio Full Moon brings a strong possibility of secret or intensely private matters coming to light, possibly with a sexual content or maybe concerning financial matters (or even both!).

Full Moons tend to bring situations to a head, with feelings running high, a strong emotional charge, and tense situations reaching a climax – amped up by being in Scorpio.

Check your chart to see which house is under the spotlight!

The Full Moon is at 4 degrees Scorpio and is exact at 9.48am Queensland time (AEST).  The best time to celebrate the Full Moon will be the previous evening while the energy is building.

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The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction 2024

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction 2024


The year’s major alignment, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, is exact on Sun 21 April at 21 degrees Taurus.  Unlike many planetary conjunctions which are extended by their retrograde motion around each other, we’ll only be receiving one contact of this particular conjunction.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction represents revolutionary energy which comes with increased awareness and radical changes.  Jupiter is associated with legal, moral, and ethical concerns, while Uranus is revolutionary energy, breaking free and raising our awareness.

The Jupiter-Uranus cycle is 14 years, and it can have quite a destabilizing effect as the new changes take hold, both intellectually and materially.

This Jupiter-Uranus conjunction falls in Taurus, an Earth sign associated with farming, food production, the environment, as well as banking and finance.  We can expect to see major shake-ups and changes in all of these areas and I discussed this in some detail in the Winds of Change webinar.

An exciting synchronicity is that the Bitcoin halving is taking place around the time of this conjunction – meaning this could be the watershed time that brings crypto into much more mainstream acceptance, something we’re already starting to see as institutional investors are now getting involved.

We’re also likely to see increased use of blockchain technology (Uranus) in many different areas of commerce as it creates a supply chain record that is transparent and cannot be tampered with.  It also plays into the Pluto in Aquarius transition where power can no longer be held by a small group but becomes decentralized.   Again, I discussed this at some length in the Winds of Change webinar if you’d like to know more.

A few places and people in the spotlight affected by this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction – not that we don’t already know this, but it’s interesting what the astrology confirms:

  • Israel’s Sun is at 23 Taurus – we can expect to see some massive shake-ups there
  • The British Royal Family all have chart points at 21-24 Taurus (and fixed signs generally) – they’re really going through a massive destabilization right now with Charles’ and Kate’s illnesses and the republican movement growing.
  • The UK generally is also picking up on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction – the 1066 chart for the crowning of William I, and the UK House of Commons chart are both activated by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (see Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes).  Expect some serious disruption there!!!


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Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries 2024

Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries 2024


eclipseTues 9 April 2024 at 4.20am AEST at 19 Aries

(total solar eclipse exact at 4.17am AEST, duration 4 min 28 sec)


Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron

The New Moon in Aries on Tues 9 April (Qld time, the previous day in Europe and the Americas) is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, visible over North America.  A New Moon always represents the beginning of a new cycle, and when it’s eclipsed, it’s a highly significant new beginning.

The path of this total solar eclipse falls across the eastern half of North America – and in fact, as I discussed in the Winds of Change webinar, it crosses the path of the solar eclipse of Oct 2023 which fell across the western half of the US. Their paths cross over Texas, which strongly suggests that Texas could be a particular hot-spot for significant changes!  Take a look at the Nasa graphics here: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/

This total eclipse falls at 19 degrees Aries, with totality lasting for 4 mins 28 secs – that’s a long eclipse, intensifying the effects still further, even if the eclipse is not visible where you are.  Mark this spot in your birth chart to see where changes and new beginnings are likely in your life.

Chiron is exactly conjunct this eclipse, indicating the enormous potential for healing that exists now, the beginning of a really significant new cycle.  The archetype of Chiron is the Wounded Healer, and in order for healing to take place, the original wound has to be reopened, cleansed and cauterised, a painful yet necessary pre-requisite for the subsequent healing.  Chiron has been in Aries since 2018 and I wrote then this could well manifest as healing the urges for aggression and violence. I was thinking at the time of domestic violence and femicide, but of course this aggression can also apply to conflicts and wars – Mars, the ruler of Aries, was after all the God of War.  Let’s hope that this Chiron conjunction with the eclipse can start a new cycle in healing and bring peace to all conflict zones.

The eclipses are linked to the Moon’s Nodes, and as this a North Node eclipse, we need to focus on developing positive Aries traits – taking action, being able to challenge and confront where necessary, moving away from endless debate that results in fence-sitting (South Node in Libra).

If your birthday falls close to this date (within a day either side), this is the beginning of a really significant new cycle in your life, particularly with regard to your sense of identity and purpose in life. The influence of Chiron means that this could be a significant new cycle in your own healing, or perhaps you’re at the stage where you can now bring healing energy to others.
The solar eclipse falls on Tues 9 April 2024 (AEST) at 19 Aries.  The eclipse is exact at 4.17am, the New Moon is exact at 4.20am – that’s Queensland time, AEST.

Your New Moon manifestations will be especially powerful on account of the eclipse.  Set your intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon.

And remember, take extra care during the eclipse season!!!


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Mercury goes retrograde April 2024

Mercury goes retrograde April 2024



Mercury goes retro  Tues 2 April 2024 at 8.14am Qld time (AEST) at 27 Aries

Mercury goes direct  Thurs 25 April 2024 at 10.54pm Qld time (AEST) at 15 Aries




Mercury goes retrograde on Tues 2 April 2024 for 3 weeks. Make sure you finish up projects and back up all your files at least a week before then!!!

Mercury retro brings the potential for confusion, mistakes and delays. Double-check appointments and flight times, make sure you have your keys with you when you leave the house, and check that messages have actually got through OK. Be prepared to be patient when things don’t go according to plan! Take a book with you to the airport and be prepared for delays.

This is not a good time to make any major purchases or sign contracts, unless you’re prepared to revise your plans – or take purchases back to the shop – down the track. If you can’t get out of signing a contract, make sure you read the fine print very, very carefully.

The upside of Mercury retro is that it’s a great time to sort out your files and reorganize so you can be more streamlined.

Mercury is retro for 3 weeks until 25 April 2024



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Lunar Phases & Moon Planting – April 2024

Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide – April 2024

phases of the moon




Note times are given in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 10 hrs ahead of GMT.


Last Quarter:  Tues 2 April 2024 at 1.14pm AEST at 12 Capricorn

A time of reorientation as the light of the Moon decreases, eventually going into the low-energy time of Old Moon just before the cycle begins again with the next New Moon.

Moon planting: The last week of the Moon cycle is the best time for weeding and composting.


Total Solar Eclipse New Moon:  Mon 9 April 2024 at 4.20am AEST at 19 Aries

A time of renewed energy as a new cycle starts, intensified by the eclipse

Moon planting: The week following the New Moon is the best time for planting leafy greens.


First Quarter:  Tues 16 April 2024 at 5.13am at 25 Cancer

A time to take decisive action with unfolding events as the light of the Moon continues to grow.

Moon planting: The week following First Quarter Moon is ideal for planting fruiting vegetables.


Full Moon:  Wed 24 April 2024 at 9.48am AEST at 4 Scorpio

A high energy time when things come to fruition or events come to a head.

Moon planting: The week following Full Moon is the best time for planting root crops.



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