Accidents alert! Mars-Uranus conjunction

Accidents alert!  Mars-Uranus conjunction



Expect accidents and explosions to be in the news for a few days around 16 July when Mars and Uranus come together at 26 Taurus – take extra care around this time.

If this activates your personal chart, be especially careful – but on the positive side, you may also find it’s a time of waking up to new possibilities in your life as you discover new freedom to be true to yourself, the gift of Uranus.



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Neptune goes retro 2024 – review your spiritual connection

Neptune goes retro 2024 – review your spiritual connection




Neptune goes retro on 2 July 2024 at 29 Pisces

Neptune almost gets to Aries, but doesn’t quite make it, stopping just 4 minutes of arc short at 29 degrees 56 mins of Pisces before it begins its retro journey. This is like having the strongest possible dose of Neptune in Pisces, whether that’s unbounded creative inspiration or deception on a grand scale.

This most watery planet is stationing at a degree that’s associated with drowning, so be extra careful around water – for about a month either side of this date – Neptune’s an outer planet, so when it’s stationary, the effects are felt for a good few months.

If you have planets at 29 Pisces, you may be feeling confused, but tune into the higher realms of Neptune: the Universe is inviting you to bring more spiritual connection into your life. The best way to handle Neptune is to stay conscious of its influence – and then rather than fighting it, surrender to it!



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Saturn goes retro 2024 – revisit your boundaries!

Saturn goes retro 2024 – revisit your boundaries!

Saturn slows to a halt ready to turn retrograde on 30 June 2024 (29 June in Europe and the Americas) at 19 Pisces.
Saturn retrograde encourages us to review the recent past and assess our ability to take full responsibility for our actions.  This is a good time to look at the ways we limit ourselves, and bring our fears to the conscious light of day.  This is also a good time to review our ability to say ’No and ensure that we can maintain healthy boundaries in all areas of our lives.  The Saturn retrograde period lasts until 4 Nov 2023.

On top of that, we have two Full Moons in Capricorn now, a month apart, emphasising this Saturnian theme (Saturn rules Capricorn) of how well – or not! – we are dealing with taking responsibility for our lives, and how well we can maintain healthy boundaries.

If your birthday falls around 10 March, this is likely to be a time of increased responsibility for you, as you enter a new phase of maturity and step into a place of personal authority.  Your workload may increase at this time – if you accept this extra responsibility, this can be a time of success and achievement.  Saturn is a planet where we truly reap what we sow – if you’ve put in the hard work, this is very likely to be a time of achievement. However, if you’ve cut corners along the way, this is a time when you’re likely to come unstuck and this can lead to feelings of failure and depression.  If you’ve put in the work though, this is the time when it all finally pays off!

If you have planets close to 19 Pisces (within a degree either side) you are being asked to take on a more mature approach to that part of your life, which will no doubt involve some re-evaluation.

For everyone – use the Saturn retro period productively to review the way you’ve structured your life. Make any necessary changes now, especially around boundaries and self-discipline.


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The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction 2024

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction 2024


The year’s major alignment, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, is exact on Sun 21 April at 21 degrees Taurus.  Unlike many planetary conjunctions which are extended by their retrograde motion around each other, we’ll only be receiving one contact of this particular conjunction.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction represents revolutionary energy which comes with increased awareness and radical changes.  Jupiter is associated with legal, moral, and ethical concerns, while Uranus is revolutionary energy, breaking free and raising our awareness.

The Jupiter-Uranus cycle is 14 years, and it can have quite a destabilizing effect as the new changes take hold, both intellectually and materially.

This Jupiter-Uranus conjunction falls in Taurus, an Earth sign associated with farming, food production, the environment, as well as banking and finance.  We can expect to see major shake-ups and changes in all of these areas and I discussed this in some detail in the Winds of Change webinar.

An exciting synchronicity is that the Bitcoin halving is taking place around the time of this conjunction – meaning this could be the watershed time that brings crypto into much more mainstream acceptance, something we’re already starting to see as institutional investors are now getting involved.

We’re also likely to see increased use of blockchain technology (Uranus) in many different areas of commerce as it creates a supply chain record that is transparent and cannot be tampered with.  It also plays into the Pluto in Aquarius transition where power can no longer be held by a small group but becomes decentralized.   Again, I discussed this at some length in the Winds of Change webinar if you’d like to know more.

A few places and people in the spotlight affected by this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction – not that we don’t already know this, but it’s interesting what the astrology confirms:

  • Israel’s Sun is at 23 Taurus – we can expect to see some massive shake-ups there
  • The British Royal Family all have chart points at 21-24 Taurus (and fixed signs generally) – they’re really going through a massive destabilization right now with Charles’ and Kate’s illnesses and the republican movement growing.
  • The UK generally is also picking up on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction – the 1066 chart for the crowning of William I, and the UK House of Commons chart are both activated by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (see Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes).  Expect some serious disruption there!!!


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Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries 2024

Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries 2024


eclipseTues 9 April 2024 at 4.20am AEST at 19 Aries

(total solar eclipse exact at 4.17am AEST, duration 4 min 28 sec)


Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron

The New Moon in Aries on Tues 9 April (Qld time, the previous day in Europe and the Americas) is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, visible over North America.  A New Moon always represents the beginning of a new cycle, and when it’s eclipsed, it’s a highly significant new beginning.

The path of this total solar eclipse falls across the eastern half of North America – and in fact, as I discussed in the Winds of Change webinar, it crosses the path of the solar eclipse of Oct 2023 which fell across the western half of the US. Their paths cross over Texas, which strongly suggests that Texas could be a particular hot-spot for significant changes!  Take a look at the Nasa graphics here:

This total eclipse falls at 19 degrees Aries, with totality lasting for 4 mins 28 secs – that’s a long eclipse, intensifying the effects still further, even if the eclipse is not visible where you are.  Mark this spot in your birth chart to see where changes and new beginnings are likely in your life.

Chiron is exactly conjunct this eclipse, indicating the enormous potential for healing that exists now, the beginning of a really significant new cycle.  The archetype of Chiron is the Wounded Healer, and in order for healing to take place, the original wound has to be reopened, cleansed and cauterised, a painful yet necessary pre-requisite for the subsequent healing.  Chiron has been in Aries since 2018 and I wrote then this could well manifest as healing the urges for aggression and violence. I was thinking at the time of domestic violence and femicide, but of course this aggression can also apply to conflicts and wars – Mars, the ruler of Aries, was after all the God of War.  Let’s hope that this Chiron conjunction with the eclipse can start a new cycle in healing and bring peace to all conflict zones.

The eclipses are linked to the Moon’s Nodes, and as this a North Node eclipse, we need to focus on developing positive Aries traits – taking action, being able to challenge and confront where necessary, moving away from endless debate that results in fence-sitting (South Node in Libra).

If your birthday falls close to this date (within a day either side), this is the beginning of a really significant new cycle in your life, particularly with regard to your sense of identity and purpose in life. The influence of Chiron means that this could be a significant new cycle in your own healing, or perhaps you’re at the stage where you can now bring healing energy to others.
The solar eclipse falls on Tues 9 April 2024 (AEST) at 19 Aries.  The eclipse is exact at 4.17am, the New Moon is exact at 4.20am – that’s Queensland time, AEST.

Your New Moon manifestations will be especially powerful on account of the eclipse.  Set your intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon.

And remember, take extra care during the eclipse season!!!


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Mercury goes retrograde April 2024

Mercury goes retrograde April 2024



Mercury goes retro  Tues 2 April 2024 at 8.14am Qld time (AEST) at 27 Aries

Mercury goes direct  Thurs 25 April 2024 at 10.54pm Qld time (AEST) at 15 Aries




Mercury goes retrograde on Tues 2 April 2024 for 3 weeks. Make sure you finish up projects and back up all your files at least a week before then!!!

Mercury retro brings the potential for confusion, mistakes and delays. Double-check appointments and flight times, make sure you have your keys with you when you leave the house, and check that messages have actually got through OK. Be prepared to be patient when things don’t go according to plan! Take a book with you to the airport and be prepared for delays.

This is not a good time to make any major purchases or sign contracts, unless you’re prepared to revise your plans – or take purchases back to the shop – down the track. If you can’t get out of signing a contract, make sure you read the fine print very, very carefully.

The upside of Mercury retro is that it’s a great time to sort out your files and reorganize so you can be more streamlined.

Mercury is retro for 3 weeks until 25 April 2024



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New Moon in Aquarius 2024 – Chinese New Year!

11Aquarius1New Moon in Aquarius brings in Chinese New Year



New Moon in Aquarius  Sat 10 Feb 2024 at 8.59am AEST at 20 Aquarius

Venus is bright as a Morning Star, close to Mars the red planet, with Mercury low in the sky as the Sun rises.
Jupiter is an evening star visible high in the west at sunset.

February Lunar Phases & Moon Planting Guide ☘️🍃🎋


The New Moon in Aquarius falls on Sat 10 Feb at 8.59am AEST.  This Aquarian New Moon marks the Chinese New Year.  Like many traditional cultures, the Chinese use a lunar calendar and this will be the Year of the Wood Dragon.

The New Moon in Aquarius is an opportunity to begin a new cycle in authenticity.  To what extent are you really being true to yourself?  Do you feel free to be true to yourself?  Aquarius is a sign associated with freedom, authenticity, and equality at both the individual and collective level.  It is strongly non-conformist, needing to be different and unique, free of society’s expectations, a natural rebel (I can hear all the Aquarians cheering!!!)  It is also focused on social responsibility, connection at the level of mass consciousness and global humanitarian concerns.

Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is making a challenging aspect to this New Moon, increasing the Uranian energy, challenging you to be authentic and to break free of any restrictions – anything that’s holding you back – and be really true to yourself.  Freedom is the battle cry right now!

Aquarius is an air sign, loving to debate ideas, the more original, inventive and zany the better. Aquarians are very sociable and tend to be known as the party animals of the zodiac!

The New Moon is exact at 8.59am Queensland time (AEST) at 20 degrees of Aquarius.

If your birthday is close to this date (within a day either side), this is the beginning of an important new cycle in your life in terms of your sense of identity and your purpose in the world.

Wherever you have 20 degrees of Aquarius in your birth chart, this indicates the area of life that will be most affected by this New Moon – for example, if this New Moon falls in your 10th house, this signifies the beginning of a new cycle in your career or professional life.

Remember to set your New Moon intentions within 24 hours of the New Moon.


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Time to put your Saturn learnings into practice!

Time to put your Saturn learnings into practice!



Saturn turns direct on Sat 4 Nov 2023 at zero degrees Pisces following its recent retrograde period.

If your birthday is close to 19 Feb or this degree is significant in your chart, you’ll probably have been feeling the heavy energy of Saturn sitting on this point for the previous couple of weeks, with a further two weeks to look forward to (!).

The energy of Saturn asks us to re-evaluate the area of life it is currently contacting, to take full responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and to cut away any dead wood – which ultimately stimulates new growth.

It is also very good at demanding that we do a reality check!

What have you learned about social responsibility, self-discipline and material reality over the last five months? Whatever you’ve learned during that time of Saturn retro – this is what we’re being asked to put into practice now over the next seven months as Saturn moves forward once again.

Here’s more on Saturn in Pisces and what it means for the environment, the ecological disasters happening and of course the climate emergency.

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Venus enters her retro shadow 2023

Rose of VenusFrom 19 June onwards, Venus enters the shadow of her upcoming retro journey.

You’ll notice that Venus is becoming brighter and brighter in the evening sky as she comes closer to us on planet Earth.

She’s getting ready for her retrograde phase which starts on 23 July (and yes, that’s why she’ll stay so long in the sign of Leo – around ten weeks instead of the usual three).  In this time she’ll disappear from view and then re-emerge as the Morning Star, a mystery that intrigued ancient astrologers!

In this shadow retro phase, you may start to notice the beginnings of the influence of Venus retrograde – such as old lovers turning up in your life again … ❤️
It’s more noticeable once Venus is actually retrograde, but this shadow period is the lead-up and if you pay attention, you’ll often notice indications of what’s to come.

If you’d like to learn more about the amazing cycles of Venus, including which phase of the Venus cycle you were born under – are you an Evening Star or Morning Star Venus? – and what that means for you – come along to my next workshop Cycles of Venus.


Cycles of Venus

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