Last SuperMoon of this year – Full Moon in Aries 2023

SuperMoonSuperMoon Full Moon in Aries 

The last SuperMoon of this year


SuperMoon Full Moon in Aries   Fri 29 Sept 2023 at 7.57pm AEST at 6 Aries


Also heads up that with this Full Moon, we head into eclipse season, a time to be particularly careful. The eclipses start with next month’s New Moon solar eclipse. Pluto will be adding to the intensity by stationing direct just a few days before the eclipse.


The last of this year’s SuperMoonsthe Full Moon in Aries– falls on Fri 29 Sept. As always with a SuperMoon, the Full Moon is closer to Earth than usual and so appears larger and brighter in the night sky. The SuperMoon  has a much stronger-than-usual effect on us, heightening emotional dramas, overstretching emergency workers, and bringing higher tides and extreme weather events.

This Full Moon in Aries highlights our ability to be assertive and take action.  It requires us to be able to stand up for ourselves by being sufficiently assertive (Aries) while also being able to maintain harmony (Libra).  It calls for us to find a balance between our need for independence (Aries) and the need for co-operation with others (Libra).  The Full Moon is always about finding that balance between the opposing signs.

Full Moons often bring situations to a head, so be prepared for issues (whether at the personal or collective level) to reach some kind of crisis point where resolution becomes imperative. Any crisis happening now will of course be heightened by the SuperMoon.

The Full Moon is at 6 degrees Aries, so wherever this point falls in your chart is the area of your life that will be under the spotlight now.

The Full Moon is exact at 7.57pm Queensland time (AEST).

Expect feelings to run high more so than usual with a Full Moon, remember it’s a SuperMoon!

NOTE:  This Full Moon ushers in the eclipse season, the six-week period around the eclipses when we need to be extra careful.  The next New Moon, two weeks after this Full Moon, is a solar eclipse.  Stay conscious in this two-week period leading up to the solar eclipse, and of course for the following four weeks.  Take extra care – accidents are much more likely to happen around the time of eclipses.

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Supermoon Full Moon – but is it a true Blue Moon???


Supermoon Full Moon – but is it a true Blue Moon???


The Supermoon Full Moon falls in Pisces on Thurs 31 Aug and the media is awash with stories of a Blue Moon.

But is it a true Blue Moon??

This phrase gets bandied about in the media whenever there are two Full Moons in a calendar month, saying that the second one is a Blue Moon. That’s the popular MSM definition.  It’s almost correct, but not quite!

I’ve always understood the correct astrological definition of a Blue Moon to be when two Full Moons fall in the same zodiac signa much rarer instance than two Full Moons falling in the same calendar month.  For this to happen, the first one has to fall at zero or one degrees and the second one at 28 or 29 degrees of the same sign.

The last time that happened was Sun 22 Aug 2021 when we had the second Full Moon in Aquarius (ie a BLUE MOON) at 29 degrees Aquarius.  The first Full Moon in Aquarius had been on 24 July 2021 (ie in the previous calendar month) at 1 degree Aquarius.

So no, sorry to disappoint everyone, but this isn’t a Blue Moon.  The next true Blue Moon will be on 21 July 2024 at 29 Capricorn.

It is of course a Supermoon though – the third of four Supermoons this year, intensifying the Full Moon energy.

As always with a Supermoon, the Full Moon appears larger and brighter in the sky than usual, and has a much stronger-than-usual effect on us, heightening emotional dramas, overstretching emergency workers, and bringing higher tides and extreme weather events.

This Full Moon in Pisces highlights the importance of finding a balance between holding the creative vision (Pisces) yet at the same time paying attention to the mundane details which ground that vision (Virgo).  If these two polarities are out of balance, you either get a vision that can’t be brought through to reality, or one that evaporates and is lost through too much attention to detail.  Full Moons are always about bringing polarities into balance.

This Full Moon could also bring Piscean themes of sacrifice and martyrdom into sharp focus.

Full Moons often bring situations to a head, so be prepared for issues (whether at the personal or collective level) to reach some kind of crisis point where resolution becomes imperative. Any crisis happening now will of course be heightened by the Supermoon.

The Supermoon Full Moon falls at 7 degrees of Pisces and is exact at 11.35am Queensland time (AEST) on Thurs 31 Aug.  The best time for celebration and ceremony will be the previous night while the energy is still building.  Expect feelings to run high … it is a Supermoon after all!

Enjoy the Supermoon! 

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Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius 2023

Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius 2023

Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius  Wed 2 Aug 2023 at 4.31am AEST at 9 Aquarius

Our second Supermoon of this year (of 4) is the Full Moon in Aquarius on Wed 2 Aug.

As always with a Supermoon, the Full Moon appears larger and brighter in the sky than usual, and has a much stronger-than-usual effect on us, heightening emotional dramas, overstretching emergency workers, and bringing higher tides and extreme weather events.

This Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius highlights the importance of establishing a balance between the needs of the collective and the needs of the individual.

Full Moons often bring situations to a head, so be prepared for collective issues such as those associated with climate change or humanitarian issues such as refugees – to reach some kind of crisis point where resolution becomes imperative.

This Aquarian Full Moon could also bring new and experimental ideas into sharp focus, ideas that are likely to benefit the collective.

The Full Moon falls at 9 degrees of Aquarius and is exact at 4.31am Queensland time (AEST).  The best time for celebration and ceremony will be the previous night while the energy is still building.


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Full Moon in Capricorn 2023

Full Moon in Capricorn 2023


Full Moon in Capricorn  Mon 3 July 2023 at 9.38pm AEST at 11 Capricorn


The Full Moon in Capricorn on Mon 3 July 2023 highlights the work we do in the world, our ambitions in life and our willingness to take personal responsibility for how our lives unfold.

This Full Moon brings into focus the difference between our public and our private lives, inviting us to find a balance between the two opposing polarities of work and home. The spotlight may be on your career or business life, but it’s important to find that balance with your home life.

If there is something that you have been working towards for a while, this Full Moon is likely to bring things to fruition, with a strong sense of achievement.  With Mars in Leo part of this Full Moon picture, there could well be cause for celebration!

The Full Moon is exact at 9.38pm Queensland time (AEST) on Mon 3 July 2023 at 11 degrees Capricorn.   Find this point in your birth chart and see which part of your life (which astrological house) is activated under the Full Moon spotlight.


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Full Moon in Sagittarius 2023

Full Moon in Sagittarius 2023



The Full Moon falls in Sagittarius on Sun 4 June.  Sagittarius is eternally buoyant and optimistic, driven by the need to find meaning in life, if not THE meaning of life.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius invites us to find a balance between this enthusiastic search for truth and the need to approach an issue rationally, collecting information first rather than acting impulsively.  Sagittarius is famous for leaping into situations, all fired up, ready to fight for a cause or go on a quest, without stopping to check the facts first – and then in its enthusiasm and thirst for adventure, it doesn’t know when (or sometimes even how) to stop and rein in the energy – it’s what gives Sagittarius its OTT reputation, ie being completely Over The Top!  So use the energies of this Full Moon to find that balance in your life.

This Full Moon in Sagittarius may also bring up issues of Trust, whether trust in someone else or trust in yourself – ultimately it all comes down to Trust in the Universe.

Check your birth chart to see what’s under the Full Moon spotlight at 13 Sagittarius.

The Full Moon is exact at 1.41pm Queensland time (AEST), so the best night for ceremony and celebration will be the previous evening while the energy is still building.


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Full Moon in Libra 2023

Full Moon in Libra 2023



The Full Moon falls in Libra on Thurs 6 April.  The Full Moon in Libra gives us an opportunity to bring our lives into balance, revisiting the cosmic invitation extended by the Equinox  two weeks earlier.  It highlights our need to relate to others, yet it also emphasizes the need to find a balance between our own needs and the needs of another, between the need for independence and the need for compromise.

This Full Moon marks the beginning of the eclipse season as it starts the two-week lead-up to the eclipses.. Energies will intensify as we move towards the next New Moon (solar eclipse) and the following Full Moon (lunar eclipse).  Remember to be especially careful in your day-to-day life during the eclipse season.

The Full Moon falls at 16 degrees Libra Check the houses of your chart to see which part of your life is under the spotlight. The Full Moon is exact at 2.34pm Queensland time (AEST) on Thurs 6 April.  If you’re planning a Full Moon ceremony, the best time will be the previous evening while the energies are still building.


Easter Sunday this year falls on Sun 9 April.  ‘What’s this got to do with Astrology?’ I hear you ask … Well, guess what?  The date of Easter is determined astrologically, by the Moon and the Equinox.  Easter Sunday is set as the first Sunday after the first Full Moon following the Equinox.  This is why the date of Easter changes each year, sometimes falling at the end of March and sometimes much later in April.  Astrology is present in our everyday lives much more than most people realize!
Have a wonderful Easter break!


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Eclipse annular

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Full Moon in Virgo & Saturn moves into Pisces 2023

Full Moon in Virgo & Saturn moves into Pisces


The Full Moon in Virgo on Tues 7 March is the Lenten Moon, the last Full Moon before Easter, so called because it falls during the Christian fasting period known as Lent.

The Full Moon in Virgo brings into focus your need for order and purity. Virgo is a very analytical sign, and as an Earth sign it is analytical in a practical way, trying to improve situations (and even people!) in its search for perfection.

The Virgo Full Moon invites you to reconcile Virgo’s attention to detail with the holistic vision of Pisces, bringing into balance the microcosm (Virgo) and the macrocosm (Pisces).

Check your birth chart to see which house is under the spotlight at 16 degrees Virgo.  The Full Moon is exact at 10.40pm Queensland time (AEST).


SaturnOn the same day as the Full Moon Tues 7 March, just under an hour later, Saturn moves into Pisces.

Saturn brings structure, boundaries and frameworks wherever it is placed.  There’s often a feeling of taking stock of something that has gone on long enough, perhaps too long.  Saturn comes along and says ‘It’s time!’

It’s time to make those (perhaps long overdue) changes.  We can recognise this in our private lives when a Saturn transit comes along and contacts personal planets.  Here, as Saturn changes signs and finds a new way of expressing itself, its effects will be felt at the collective level.

In your personal life, Saturn represents your ability to say No, creating an appropriate boundary

OceanAt the collective level, Saturn in Pisces brings a new opportunity for governments to enforce strong boundaries – saying NO to all the appalling practices such as dumping raw sewage in rivers (UK) and toxic chemicals into our waterways and oceans.  The ocean is not a garbage tip!  In Australia, the Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has recently said No to a proposed coal mine development as it would be too much of a threat to the Great Barrier Reef.  Hopefully we’ll see many more such permits refused on grounds of ecocide.

The potential for Saturn in Pisces to crack down on environmental toxins could also apply to fracking. Neptune the ruler of Pisces is associated with gases as well as with toxins.  Fracking certainly has a hugely detrimental effect on the water supply wherever it’s carried out.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this transit of Saturn through Pisces saw life-destroying chemicals effectively banned? Chemicals such as glyphosate – its insidious, deadly effect on all life forms (including humans) is because it’s water-soluble and therefore gets into everything, including the water table.  Sounds like a good candidate for Saturn in Pisces!  Then there are the neonicotinoids which are killing massive populations of bees and other insects, many of them pollinators on whom the whole food supply chain depends.

Stop EcocideThere has been a growing movement for many years now to make Ecocide a crime under International Law.  The European Law Institute (ELI) has recently published its report on Ecocide, providing the framework for legislation in Europe.  The movement is gathering momentum in other countries too.   Saturn has two and a half years in Pisces to make this a reality!

Saturn in Pisces could also bring a stricter approach to corruption at the collective (government/business) level – goodness knows there’s plenty of it about.  Neptune can be associated with deception, anything from sleight of hand to full-blown embezzlement, bribery and money laundering.  It’s well-known how large corporations lobby and influence government policy (and even effectively purchase government contracts through party donations) all over the world.  It’s time for some clear and strong boundaries in this whole area as well.

At a personal level, the effects of Saturn in Pisces will depend to quite a large extent on what planets and houses it’s transiting in your chart.  In general terms though, Saturn in Pisces is a wonderful opportunity to manifest (Saturn) your dreams (Pisces), and get disciplined (Saturn) about your spiritual practices or artistic pursuits (Pisces).  You could also enlist the help of Saturn in Pisces to kick any addictive tendencies you may have!

If you have Saturn in Pisces in your birth chart, you’ll be coming up to your first or second (or possibly even third) Saturn Return, a significant rite of passage – a good time to book in for a reading with me

Saturn will be in Pisces for the next two years until the end of May 2025.



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Turbulent Full Moon in Gemini 2022

Turbulent Full Moon in Gemini 2022


The Full Moon in Gemini on Thurs 8 Dec invites us to find a balance between logic and intuitive knowing, between the cold hard facts and our beliefs, ie what we believe to be true. This Full Moon invites us to integrate both polarities, yet also warns us against being too gullible.


This Full Moon is likely to be especially turbulent as it falls exactly on Mars, right at the middle of its retro cycle at 16 Gemini.  In political astrology (also known as mundane astrology, but don’t be fooled by the name!) this conjures up images of the people (the Moon) fighting (Mars) against the leader/king (the Sun). Full Moons tend to bring situations to a head at the best of times, so don’t be surprised if things get heated and assertive (hopefully not aggressive) action is taken.  Keep an eye on the international news!  Situations arising now could be very volatile, and patience would be recommended.


The Full Moon is exact on Thurs 8 Dec at 2.08pm AEST (Queensland time) so the best time for ceremony or celebrations will be the previous evening while the energy is still building.


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Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon – Full Moon in Taurus 2022

Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon – Full Moon in Taurus 2022

Blood Moon

The Full Moon in Taurus on Tues 8 November is a total lunar eclipse, amping up the energy of this Full Moon.  Full Moons tend to bring situations to a head and a total lunar eclipse really adds to the intensity of whatever’s happening.

This total lunar eclipse will be visible as a Blood Moon on the east coast of Australia, starting with the partial eclipse phase at 7.09pm AEST (add an hour to these times if you’re on daylight savings).  The Full Blood Moon Eclipse is from 8.16pm-9.41pm AEST, with the maximum eclipse at 8.59pm AEST.  After the total Blood Moon phase, it moves once more through partial eclipse before the Full Moon becomes visible again after 10.49pm AEST.

lunar eclipseIf you’re in New Zealand, Japan or the west cost of Canada, you’ll get a stunning view of the entire Blood Moon eclipse, including the penumbral (half-shadow) stages before and after the partial eclipse stages.

At the collective level, the eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus asks that we bring our attention to Mother Earth, that we honour our role as her guardians and the caretakers of our beautiful planet. This is a cosmic invitation to create a new path forwards, taking conscious action to insist that governments, multinational corporations – and even individuals – stop abusing their power and stop abusing the planet.

Mercury and Uranus are strongly configured here, so this lunar eclipse could well bring some surprising or even shocking news to light. Keep an eye on the international news around this time!

As the eclipses continue to move through the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, our challenge is to let go of outdated exploitative business models that ravage the Earth, and create a path which honours the Earth and all forms of life here.

At a personal level, this eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus brings into focus your ability to be sensuous and grounded and is an excellent time to indulge the senses and pamper the body.This Full Moon invites you to find a balance between the physical sensuality of Taurus and the emotional depth of Scorpio, great if everything is open in your relationship, but if there are underlying issues around jealousy or possessiveness, this Lunar eclipse could bring the situation to a head with some emotional drama playing out!

Check your birth chart to see which house is under the spotlight at 16 degrees Taurus as this is the area of life where matters may come to fruition or be revealed, intensified by the eclipse.

This eclipsed Full Moon is exact at 9.02pm AEST (Queensland time).

Take care during this eclipse season!


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Eclipse season – take extra care! Longest ‘Blood Moon’ this century!!!

partial solar eclipse

Can you feel the intensity of the energies right now??!!!

We’re at the start of the eclipse season, and it’s particularly intense because this is an extended eclipse season.  Instead of the usual two eclipses – one solar, one lunar, we’ve got three:  TWO solar and one lunar, and the lunar eclipse just happens to be the longest total lunar eclipse anyone will experience this century!!!

Eclipses bring unexpected changes into people’s lives, so take extra care at this time, especially when driving for example.  Don’t take any risks.


Here’s the information on the eclipses for the next lunar month:

The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer on Fri 13 July represents the opportunity for a significant new cycle to begin in relation to the feminine. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, symbolising women, mothering and the sacred feminine. This eclipsed New Moon represents the beginning of a significant new cycle in the way we care for others, the way we nurture ourselves, and our relationship with women in general.

Cancer is a water sign, sensitive and emotional, with a strong need for emotional security. This is the sign associated with home and family, so this New Moon can also mark the beginning of a new sense of belonging, perhaps a new phase in our home and family life, or our sense of belonging to a ‘tribe’.

Cancer has a tenacious connection to the past – Cancerians have strong emotional attachments and don’t like to let go of anything! The eclipsed New Moon in Cancer represents the beginning of a significant new phase in our relationship with the past, an opportunity to emotionally release whatever no longer serves us. Thyme essential oil and the Australian Bush Flower Essence Bottlebrush are particularly good remedies for supporting you to let go – contact me if you need to order.

If your birthday falls close to the date of this eclipsed New Moon, this marks a year of highly significant new beginnings in your life, particularly with regard to your identity, your sense of self and your purpose in life.

Your New Moon intentions will be especially powerful this month because of the solar eclipse.  Remember to set your intentions for this lunar month within 24 hours of the New Moon. The New Moon is exact at 12.47pm Queensland time (AEST).


In this Cancerian family time …

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Blood Moon, total lunar eclipse

The Total Lunar Eclipse “Blood Moon” on Sat 28 July is the longest total lunar eclipse this century! The total phase of the lunar eclipse will last almost an hour and three-quarters, and the whole eclipse will unfold over nearly 4 hours. It’ll be visible in Australia – if you’re prepared to get up really early, well before dawn!

Lunar eclipse starts at 3.14am Queensland time AEST,

  • partial eclipse starts at 4.24am,
  • full total eclipse (Blood Moon) starts 5.30am,
  • max eclipse is at 6.21am,
  • eclipse ends at 6.35am in Queensland because the Moon sets (it’ll keep going for longer further west).
  • There’s a great graphic/video and info at

The Total Lunar Eclipse is the Full Moon in Aquarius on Sat 28 July 2018 (Fri 27 July in Europe and the Americas) which highlights the importance of establishing a balance between the needs of the collective and the needs of the individual. It may bring new and experimental ideas into sharp focus. Full Moons often bring situations to a head, and the eclipse intensifies this energy, so be prepared for humanitarian issues (such as refugees) to reach some kind of crisis point, where resolution becomes imperative. Total lunar eclipses are also often associated with earth changes such as earthquakes and volcanos, so expect to see more of these in the news at this time. The eclipsed Full Moon falls at 4 degrees of Aquarius and is exact at 6.20am AEST, so the best time for ceremony and celebrations is the previous night, Fri 27 July.


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